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Show Do You Ever Sign Papers Without Reading Them? t p1 alirn In hunt tn ropent th nut of tli.-w Uvea. Oh' iht- iiniruinh. th ri'ttnorn thM 1-.011M t lHtril If witr wouil not ht wo i ".(!( y ( "Sikh h.ti, i l'nr." mil no! l -.timnffl, hint therf in nothing1 in i wTltl th:it riiuxm pnnil t m-ourm I hrinni Ivf n : t h ii wiirn 1 h In v put their n.iini'M tn hii lm,mlnK luoUtim id x'li niftit Hlid fitMl thai tt i not wrih tlHI i.IJMT l. ) HLi1'! I By SOPHIE IRENE LOEE. ('nprlht. 1!: i.Nrw York Kveninf World), by I'rvaa iMbllnhtnar '. She NH.1 ttiiJ to rsin Per'-, ptciif?. "i ' thH dotted line.-' and ah did. and now Hlir In wpiHK h.i lift- Hj. i Thi- pfreon ihoiti clif tiu-li-tl irre.ed In yi'ttliiK nr the aame old htorv. ; Hy the w raith of a trn Unii only look ; a n(Uid aiie hji iluatuti out of tvt'j i Oiii'K , , , 1 ll.iil ahe rad the paper ahe iKii'l m at nil. hht tiil tHkvn atinw (ud ' I word fur U -the lu ran ho had (IntnoiJ I hr. I He had told tit-r "all tht-re waa'.' In th., paper liefore her tn a very auave. ain-Inicly ain-Inicly frank nuinnrr- a way auch peupia have of inviting confidence the cuiilt-denre cuiilt-denre niime. Then in-ffan all the aorrnwa and auf-ferine auf-ferine o( thla woman and aha poured out her worn to ma. It all bew;un In th aame old wav. The man had won har friendship ai d told hr of "a nice little dtl" wherein koo1 moitry rould be madj If he only hd the rupttal. And. of courMC, ( would irt think of uatiiR any money but hie wwn. Hu wua that proud, he told her: And then hn left herthe first time. Ha cume again and na.iln tit little dlif nei!i which he pl.tiined tn Much an offhand off-hand wu. and he waa very Itplomutlc and die! imi urge tha queation. bm al-wan al-wan ref.-rel tu It ua "- big thin, that waa PllppniB away." And aoon alia auccumbed to thla aer-pent aer-pent in humHii form. Came tha day when ahe could resist no lonjcer th voice of ihe tempter. And tha bluff waa continued for a llitla while. He became! friendly. It would take a little time, he had Informed her. and there waa no Urd of worrying about it. , lia mentioned It leta frequently, and then not at nil. Th ahe. began to auk (lueationa, which be re-erhted. H waa hurt. 1 ndn't ahe have confidence in htm? indut aha heliete in lilin'.' Then came the time when a inm question atMtut her own money brought mich a atorm of protent that ahe did not dare aak about it her own money. The crah tame aa i:ul when hie perfidy waa laid bare. He waa the ueuul adventurer the kind that preya on women, wom-en, and thrre are many of them. Today she la working for a fw dollar dol-lar m week, trying lo keep body aid aoul together, all because ahe so readily answered thf request, ' Sign hcie. please." And then 1 know of a woman who U going blind, who la living on aluioM nothing" be-ausa ahe dislikes being an objwt of charity. There was a day when she hd all she needed, although It was hard eurned, but ahe had trusted her meager weekly earnings tu a private bank. She a, warned about the hank, that It waa not safe. It wua run by one man. And the vllwla en me to her na wall when she waa asked to "ftign hera, please," and took a Miinll settlement that lasted but a few weka In lieu nf the fiuits of her many yeuia of har work. She was a brave soul with a fine tptrit. Always. alw a aba is hopma that the mitn who took her money will some day return to her. I Mi, yea' many, many let t era coma to me from people, especially women, whi. are vlctlma of the "Sign here" duplicity. du-plicity. And there are cases where relatives cheat old people some of t hem part lit I -lv tneapacltated. They are told to sign on the t lot ted line, and tn all trust f ul-neas ul-neas they do ao. to find Utter that their heritage has lieen taken away from them bv those they would have leant HU)p'4.'t1. An. I whnt U the answer It Is this: (ret nimery In I he wurlri would to h voided If only people would look ttefore ihry ! up. or, raihtr, study bo fore they trnnwtction. no tnattt-r ftow trust. j worthy tliv i-timjii In llmt prfKcptM It, h(ulil W notde without loukiiuj into 11 fullv from aiiKle. And thn wh-n the napere ere mad up to rarry out thil trennartlun. evr wonl oh thttee pupcm tHulti ! rend -nd undrtood. The trouldv with moat pen. plr titp?-tHlly mv own ex, in thai the) idiPllkv leant phntfole;.v. and -do not tiike the tune tt find out what it mrnna They wave tl off loo rudHy: They takt too much for if ranted, and then th) are tuken in. There are no technical term thai cannot 1m explnlio-d fully In the Inn-auuae Inn-auuae of the U man, Pecauar ever) word that one doea nut - tinderatanl mean nomeihinv or it would nut lx there, and tinlciR ou get a auttifactor) aiixwrr to nny quepiion aa tn any ternn imel In a paier to he etnnt-d. make ui your mind there la soinethlnc wrom with the paer. Leave the dotted line blank until yoi are aaOafled that you understand ever) other line of th paper. Kew people know how a word or I phraae In the paper can he coimnW by the court. It may make Juat th( amn difference a between ea or no. Manv of the vlctlma of the "Sinn here plettM," huainee have been warned le-cauae le-cauae thev cannot, rend what thy alun Such people ahould especially be carefu and secure an Interpreter whom the can trust before they write their panmi I to documents that they cannot read. Ihvuaands of people, l-owhtleaa P ' |