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Show Russo-German Agreement And Results Anticipated By CHARLES M. M'CANN, Unitsd Press Staff Cerreapendent. LONDON. June It. Russia's trade agreement with (Jermany, the aeiisatlon of the tienoa conference, has already served Its purpose, according to soviet Officials here. "Krom our standpoint, the purpose of the agreement was purely psychological," psychologi-cal," it was stafted to the United Presa. "We do not expect to derive much material ma-terial benefit from It. "We aaw what effect the agreement would have. It warned the allies that tt might be a miatake to Ignore two powerful companions in misery. "As to the lasting benefits to Ruasla from the agreement, It la hard to find them. Theie are no military clauses. As to the trade clauses. Germany la under the thumbs of the allies. Hhe moat do what they want; and they do not want her to obtain the main benefit from the resumption of trade with Kuasla. "lvkiid also is a barrier. It Is eaay to say Germany and Russia are neigh- ; bora; It la eaay also from an examine- 1 lion of the map to aee the sort of barrier j that the a 11 lea erected between them in Poland a nation that Uvea solely by her Krench Inspired hatred of her neighbors. neigh-bors. "Wa think, too, that It will be found tha agreement Itself does not Imply vsry much. Its main feature Is the mutual renunciation of reparations for war dam-ases. dam-ases. It would huve been a spectacle to ae the allies trying to force Germany and Ruasla to pay each other reparations, as from their horror at the conclusion of the aajreement one would hava thought they Intsnded to do. "Aa to restoring Germany's prewar trade In Ruasla, we do not want to restore re-store It entirely. The lv04 trade agree-ment agree-ment wss fine for Germany, but dis advantageous to us. Germany had vlr-j tual monopolies In certain markets. In future we hoie to manufacture for ourselves our-selves many of tha things that Germany snt to us. ' Krom both Berlin and Moseon sources, however, reports continue to come of the establishment of companies which will take German capital Into Russia. The Moscow wireless announces that Pro feasor Krut, a eoviet electrical ax-pert, ax-pert, has returned from Berlin. ' He re- i ported to the state economic planning commission that ha attended meetings of I the leading German electrical manufacturers. manufac-turers. They considered It Important to establish Russian electro-technical of-flcca of-flcca to organise the repair and supply of electrical stations and public utility aervicea, he sa Id. They further proposed pro-posed to organise the production of machinery ma-chinery and appliances. Kol lowing the report, the atate electrical electri-cal section decided to determine In what branches ths participation of German electrical Industry and capital would be desirable. The section suggested transferrins trans-ferrins tha negotiations with Germaa electrical firms to Moac4w. From Berlin It Is announced that a Ruaao-German company haa been floated, with headquartera at Moscow and a capital, of thirty milliard marks, to ax- Rlolt Ruaalan Industrial resources. Share-old Share-old rs on the German side. It Is de c la red, Include the Vtinnee. Krupp and electrical trust Interests, while the soviet so-viet government holds tha Russian1 shares. officials In London believe that tha treaty will be of real value to both coun-trlee. coun-trlee. They believe that at least German Ger-man capital will penetrate Ruaala and that German Industries will get a running run-ning start in helping to rebuild Russian Industry. |