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Show """ Visiting Matron and Babe. Bridal Party. . Bridle-Elect. '; Maid Home, and .SubdclL-. UPPBIt, left Mrs. Clarence II. Raaor and ion, Dauial Richard, of Iloehester, N. Y, who are viitln(f MraKaaor's father, Richard Hajrue. Upper, right Bride, Mrs. Calvin Bicknell , Bobbins, formerly Mini Ruby Allen; left, her tpaid of honor, Miss Kathrr lIulL Group, loft to right Misa Mignou Allen, flower (firli Mis Margaret Heelry and Minn Owendlon Uallatrom, bridesmaids. Lower, left Miss Frances Cawinday, who will wed Dr. Oeorfre Onrriaon Verbryck on Tuesday. Center Miss Mable Holt, who has returned to Salt Lake after three years' sojourn in the East. Left Misa Patricia Hodgson, motif of tea to be giren by her mother, Mrs. Wilbur 8.' Hodgson, on Tuesday. ( " " " , . ' "-y J mm r i Minn i - , '- --..m j V-':a S j'i i ' S: ' L'; 2 d. .r- . y- ' . - ' -s it -'A vS (An " A J - ' . ;;, ?:.V' ' 'NC-3 ..- V - . . (: t - . A v;.'' J I : . . ' . ' . V ' - V PORTRAITS BY UMJEflE . Li-i .. . .. - |