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Show Drastic Actions Planned Against ." Use of Fireworks Dragila etepe will be taken by the police to enforce the city ordinances relative to the gale, poseesslon or firing fir-ing of any form of fireworks, according accord-ing to a statement laaued at headquarters headquar-ters Saturday following the plea of guilty entered by three boys arrested Friday. Hiisaell Schmertg. Vance Warner and Clifford Larson, all giving their agea aa It, living In the neighborhood of Hubberd avenue, between Second and Third East streets, were charged with disturbing the peace when arrested by Detective Jack Egbert. The three pleaded guilty to the offense and will be sentenced July t In Judge H. 8. Tanner's division of the city court. Among other things which contributed contrib-uted to the disturbance claimed to have been caused by Schmerts, Warner Warn-er and Larson waa the aettlng off of explosives of their own msklng. It Is claimed by lha police that the boys combined certain materia la making a eubatance easily exploded by Impact. The substance was packed Into the ring-holes of keys and other small metal objects and then thrown upon the cement walka, creating the same effect as a small piece of dynamite handled similarly. In one Instance a key was handed to a small child, three or four yeara old, according to Detective Detec-tive Clifford Patton, with the result that the child nearly blinded Itself exploding ex-ploding the article. |