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Show Wields Broom and Robs Postoffice At Same Instant Youth Called in to Chase Mouse Doesn't Find Rodent hut Locates Cash and Helps Himself How Ilenny Kngland chased a mouse with a broom In his rlnht hand and with Ms left cunningly extracted 1660 from a ptiriie holding cash received re-ceived from money order sales at the Wintcrqunrtcrs postoffice was related Saturday In a report of the theft made by I'ostofflce Inspector E. L. Jackson. Knglnnd. who Although hut 16 years of ape hns served a year In the state reformatory st Ogden and been convicted several times of theft, was arrested last Wednesday by national guardsmen nt Wlnterquartere. He Is nlleged to have confessed to the theft of the missing $10, hut stubbornly refuses to reveal the hiding place of; the money. A complaint, sworn to' by Mr. Jackson, was Issued Friday by I'nlted Ftntes Attorney fhnrles M. Morris, and England will be brought to Salt I-.ikn to answer to the fed-eril fed-eril grand Jury on the charges. According to Mr. Jackson, young Knglund was summoned Into tho iwiel- 1 office to assist In locating a mouse, that had appeared, much to the alarm of Miss Jennie Rees. In charge of the office during the absence of Postmaster Post-master Nicholas P. Pettersson. Just a short lime before Mrs. Sussle Kuller1 of the t'lah Fuel company'! boarding house No. t had left $f50 In payment for several money orders. This and $112 In addition had been placed by Miss Kece In an unlocked handoag on the postoffice counter. England was given a broom with which to chase the mouse. He ransacked ran-sacked every corner of tha oftlce and tlnallv reenhed the counter. Here he Is said to have spied the handbag and money and. while wielding the broom to make a noise tn attract Miss Uees' attention, he skilfully extracted the cash .with his other hand. The money was soon missed and England held by national guardsmen on strlkV duty at AVinternuartrrs. Ho Is ssld to have made a complete confession to Mr. Jirkson of how he stole the money, but refuses to disclose lla whereabouts. It Is said that England went Immediately Imme-diately to Oreen'a canyon after leaving leav-ing the postoffice and it Is believed that he may have hidden the money there. Federal authorities have hopes that the grand Jury Investigation of the caso may result In the youth revealing the hiding place of the $60. |