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Show JAPANESE PLEASED WITH FISH FLAGS TnKIO, June 54 (t'nlled I'reasl.-AVhen I'reasl.-AVhen Ambassador Warren flew three fln flans Klioe the American embassy l here not long ago friendly reeling for the t'nlted States took another upward swing. Th.j Japa nese liked It. The papers and the peuple talks. about It . They regarded it ss a subtle end gracious 1 Rest ure suiAlt enough of itself, hut significant of a sympathetic spirit and that appeals more to the Japanese than anything else. Kor several reasons Ambassador Warren has become, among the Japanese Jap-anese one of the must liked and trusted foreign diplomats. When Japanese newspaper men want to see him they can do so without delay or red (ape and get ejulek, straight, frank la formative for-mative replies to their que tons. Consequently, Con-sequently, the picture of Warren and of American viewpoints reflected Hi the newspapers her to the Japanese people have been favorable. No less Important Is the reputation the American embassador has eats b-llshed b-llshed among the hlgheat Japanese officials offi-cials and diplomats aa a "frank, cards-on-the-tahle gent lems n. to quote the dsrrlpUon given the I'nlted Press by s member of the foreign office. "lie Is ulav gracious. plaiitnt ---diplomacy Itself hut nt the same time the essence of frankness and candor," said the official. Hut about lbs fish flsgs Ann u.i 11 y In Japan on the day In tiu' cslendsr of Cfle brat Ions her great cloth "fish" float it hove rviry Jnpaiif se horn' t hut boast a boy one for em h boy In the family. The cloth devises are painted ery realistically to resemble carp. They are hollow. They ure attached by st rings through the gills, to high bamh poles, and ss t hey fill with wind and wave against the t.reese, thoy stem astonishingly real- like great liah moored by some magic. Above many houses there rf strum of half a doxen or more of these proud sm-bols sm-bols durliiK the boy a festival. Through centuries of tradition the dsy, and the formula of Its observance hav attained Intense sentimental significance sig-nificance to the Japanese. AmbasMador and Mrs. Warren have three boys ti the festival day three huge t loth enrp undu titled above the American rmlassy, where floated the Utara and ii tripes. "It was a nappy thought, aa well as a neighborly recognition of a national na-tional custom," said the Osaka Mainichl which featuri-d the affair. |