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Show lavlnira la anticipated, aa tha cenaral altitude among all officiate hera la that tha mutter la cloaad. Nonunion Miners Held Responsible HKRRIN, III., Juna 24 lly V. V Nonunion miners and guards fired firat In tha battle which claimed twenty-two Uvea, tha military board appointed by Governor Ien Small to Investigate con -dltlona In "Hloody" Williamson county reported tonight. Tha report forwarded to tha execii- ; tlva by Major Oeneral Milton J. Fore- ; man aald that the killing started when two union men who went to the mine to protest tn officials against operation with strikebreakers were fired on by tha mlna guards. Foreman stated he believed there would be no further outbreaks out-breaks aa long aa no one la allowed to operate the mlnea with nonunion latmr. Mlna operators have promised to keep mlnea closed during duration of the strike. The report recommended that troops held In readiness to movo Into the county to preserve order be demobilised at once. This was ordered by the governor. gov-ernor. Oeneral Foreman Mamed local officiate. offi-ciate. Including Sheriff Thaxtnn, with lack nf nerve In preserving order. The undercurrent of feeling to arouse ! mob action haa died down somewhat here among striking miners. The coroner's Inqueat will be held Sunday, No further Investigation toward punishing those guilty of the |