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Show South American Cowboy A HunierVwodsman The cowboy ef Argentiaa "dressed" for a trip to towa. He is toad of geedy clothes, and his borse is always richly saddled and bridled., trary to our cowboys, they prefer a hat with a brim that rolls up at tba aides and ia very stiff. These new outfit, last only a abort time In the woods and brambles, but the cowboys era very proud ot them. It must be their Indian blood that gives them their longing for gaudy drees. But theae South American cowboys do not tor get their faithful horses when they come to town. In bis everyday life tha cowboy ba. tb. Indian trait of being quiet but when excited ex-cited he begins to yell and shriek like s . regular Apache ot our former "wild and woolly West." Instead ot carrying "six shooters" the South American cowboy baa only a knife or abort spear to defend himself him-self from wild beasts. While North American ranches ara often bothered with wolves, coyotes and wild dogs, ths Jaguar, or South American leopard. Is a much mora terrible beast which preya upon cattle In that country. Wolvea, coyotea and wild doga ara mors or leas cowardly, but tba saraga jaguar doesn't healUte to attack at any time. Some ot the larger cattle tarma hare a regular fore ot men, knowa aa rioreroi, whose duties are to protect tbe stock from thaea wily creatures. Jaguars do not travel in packs, as do wolVea snd coyotes, so this makes them very difficult The cowboy ef rJf 1 Argentiaa "dressed" S1 fJ for a trip to towa. fa. He is fond of geedy clothes, and his ' A borse is always ; p - . richly saddled 'St to handle. While one ot tha Jaguars may be shot at tha same time others ara attacking at-tacking tba cattle at different parts of tha ranch. Tha cowboys ot Braxll and Argentina also find much sport in hunting tha Jaguar, but their method of hunting would aeem very risky to those ot us less expert In the art ot handling a knife or spear. Most ot them go out into tha tor- est armed only with a large forked atlck and a long knife. Ther travel in pairs, one of them carrying tha forked atlck, tba Other having tha long knife, and cleverly track the Jaguar to lta den. Tbe Jaguar, or Bucurana, as It Is called in tha native Indian dialect, when found U aroused, snd when It springs ths cowboy cow-boy with ths forked stick suddenly drops on one knea and pins tha snarling beast to the ground. Ther ars so expert that ther rarely mlaa. If thla ahould happen tha man with tba knit, la forced to defend de-fend both himself and bis companion. Although any fit our old tlma cowboys could drive a pin tn tha wall with a "six shooter," It U doubtful whether on. of them would car. to fac. a charging jaguar with only a forked atlck weapon. South American cowboys are noted tor their politeness. Out In th. wilderness tbey alway. welcome strangers with a friendliness that is genuine and lasting, but they never forget a wrong. . Perhaps their Indian blood givea them thla trait aa even our red me a had tha aama dlapo altlon. . THE North American cowboy of our Western pUlna has aa eaay time It we atop to compare his lit. with that of his South American brother ot the bridle. His work is usually on level and practlcallr treeleaa prairies, but the cattle ot Brail, and Argentina ara permitted to roam 'far out Into tha dense forests, aa herding them I. often a difficult task. This forces tbe South American cowboy to ride at great speed between the trunks ot trees ' snd low hanging branches, tha highly trained horses often becoming ao confused that they barely mlaa dashing into theee obstructions. A large tree aUndlng directly In tbe path ot a speeding horse can.be graied br the animal, but what ot its cowboy rider? He must do aoma rather quick thinking and cling to the opposite ot the- horse, something like tha Indians used to do when galloping around a settlers' camp which they bad atUckad. Our cowboys bar. few of these dangers. The South American cowboy must be just aa much a woodsman as ours are plainsmen. There are few towna In tha cattle sections of Braxll and Argentina, so when tbe cowboys occasionally visit a city they Immediately apend all their money for gaudy clothes, much of which U an-, tlrely unsulted to their rough work. Con- Copyright. IKS, TM New Terk TUraM. |