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Show FORD IS GATHERING EARLY FARM RELICS nWAnnRN. alien. Jun 14 (TTnltad Presst.- Henry Kord la " collecting threshing machines. He returned recently re-cently from a three-day automobile trip throuxh unuth western Tennavlvanla. In Die vli'lnltv of Washington, Pa., where he went, In aearch of an old "bunty' thresher of the vintage 0f 1 HID which ha had heard had bn discovered In mi old foundry He found th machine and alao one of tha 1847 period. Both wer purchased and aent to Petrolt. Ford la hualng hla threshing machine ma-chine collection on hla old horn farm near F earborn and Intends to maka this farm a museum of early American farm lmylementa r |