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Show FRACTURES RIBS AB0AR01ESSEL Imperial Potentate of Shrin-ert Shrin-ert Hat Accident HONOWTI.U. T. H., June 14 By A. I".) James 8. McCandlees of Honolulu, Hono-lulu, rerently elected Imperial potentate poten-tate of the Myatlc Shrine, who led the Hhrlne's marine eavalcada from .Ban FrancUco to Hawaii, fractured two rlha aboard ahlp shortly after leaving the Golden Gate, it was learned today. to-day. Tha Imperial potentate's accident, however, did not prevent him taking an active part In the festivities between be-tween Kan Pranclco and Honolulu nor did It, drier him from riding a camel In the parade here when the nobles arrived lent ThlTday. Today the visiting Shrlners entertained enter-tained their Honolulu hosts with a patrol drill In Iiilanl Talaca square. Ijiter they vlalted the hor.se races at Kaplolanl park and also were gueata at a tableaux presented by the school children, who depicted the Amerlcanl-satlun Amerlcanl-satlun of foreigners In the Islanda. A visit to Pearl Harbor navy yard, Inspection of a sugar mill and more luaus, or native feaita. snd more band concerts also were items on the day's program. |