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Show NEW PRESIDENT OF REALTORS JS GUEST IN CITY L. F. Epplch of Denver, presidentelect president-elect of the National Realtors' aeso. ola lion, accompanied by Mrs. Epploh, stopped several hours tn Salt Lake Friday, en route home after attend. Ing tha national convention of Real, tors at San Pranclseo, June 1. ft was at this convention that Mr. Bp. plch was elected president of the aaaoclatlon to take office January L ' Mr. and Mrs. Epplch were guests of E. M. Ashton of Ashton-Jenklns company, and other local Realtors, at luncheon at the Commercial club, after which they were shown around the city. . . Mr. Epplch haa been a Realtor for the past twenty years and la greatly Interested In ths housing problems of America. He expreaeed the opinion opin-ion that radicalism In the United Stalea could be successfully combated com-bated by Inducing more people ta own their own homea He believes that the ownership of a home acta aa a stabiliser to the eltisen and unrest will cease In proportion ' to -TVi"?1 sWsii saTT! P0""1"0. |