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Show SPEED Sil IN WORKON HETGH HETCHYDAM HKTSH HKTCIir. Cat . June 24 (Fly I'. P - San Francisco's ar,S00,0O0 res-ervnlr res-ervnlr and dam here, a part of the city's 145.000.000 Helen Helchy water project, which will ultimately aupply 400.000 000 gallons of water dally to 4.000.000 people, and give 200.000 hydro-electric horsepower, will be completed by December 16. according to City Knglneer M. M. O'Hhaughnessy. who is head of the great undertaking. o'Hhaughnessy has Just completed a tour of the project. In company with other engineers, he has Just completed a minute survey of the dam, which la 226 feet above the stream level. The dam la now about 60 per cent completed. The foundation of the dam extends 111 feet below Ihe stream' level and Is 29 feet broad at the bottom. Workmen are now engaged n setting the huge gale valves, which will control con-trol the water to b passed through the dant. and which will form a part of the outlet system for the dam when completed. High water has Interfered somewhat with concrete pouring this monih. or otherwise a new world's record rec-ord for concrete pouring would have been established, engineers declare. Last month more than' 41,000 cubic yards f roncrcte were placed on the dam the record -thus far. More than 60,000.000.000 gnllons of water will ha atored In the Hetch Het-hy valley reservoir. The ultimate storage rapacity, when the project- is completed, will reach over 110,000,000,-000 110,000,000,-000 gallons. Kventually the dam will he raised to 312 feet above the stream Icvl () Shiitighnci-ny also Inspected the Lake KW-Hiior dsm The Klciinor dam impounds waters of a lake covering 94M a ?. nt hiuh water- This water ts uscil to generate the power now oeing used on the Htrh Hetchy project. Kngineers expect to hole through the tunnel from Korty-sixth camp on the Tuohfmne tivT to Houth Kork on July 10, These will he the first tunnel headings to be constructed on the 11.3 miles of aqueduct tunnel on the mountain moun-tain division of the project. Work la ' now being done on ten tunnel headings. head-ings. O'Hhaughnessy and his party also Inspected In-spected the 420,000 acres of watersheds controlled by San Francisco In the tjierra .Neva das during Uitir may. i |