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Show JESS VJILLARD ASSAILS JACK DEMPSEY AS 'CHAMPION' DODGER IIP SMS HE IS sill TO SCRAP f i . . - I Former Title Holder Confi- dent He Can Pull Come- back on Jack gW 'Rf 4-wlliled a ret arm male " with Jm-tL liMnary, and I've X awan afte-r tt eer Im yera. rMplf mt Ihwwi I've thMak . 4h aaafrh waa am, bat lew-aey has allpaSal I 4m't laelleve hr wsuata t tali the rUk w'HUk bm awalau I'm rsady ela 7 ttaaat and Wa ta ifceaasaay e-r-ll ate a ewalrk r at. If we- will, lei'a fa l. If fee wm'I, atm mmy mm and that'll ewd it. ta mm ta IMarMf. fiy Robert Edgren There Jam W 11 lard lefl. hot off 1k bat. According to Jeea, he m weary trying to iiae diplomacy li ttaen't worked. Now he's coming right ut In the open. "I gave iMmDMy lima lo enjoy what lie wn entitled to after Toledo," aa l "Wlllard. "I waa determined to g-t a 'return match from lha start, hut I Tltdn't hound him (or It. 1 worked quietly to get It. "once 1 trained three or four months. Ill touch with ltlckarfl all tha tuna, nd want lo New York and signet Hlckard'e article, thinking II was all settled- Than 1 wnt home to con- ilnua training-. Hut for some raaon lick a rd dldn t get I'fmjiity I'erhaio. It waa btcauM t'arpentler ram a nvr and thay all aaw th ifiaal tti It tea tn an International match and sidetracked rue. There waa a world rwunl gate In tt and I don't blame them, Hut I've 'been qulatly after pempeey ever alnra and haven't been abl to (el hlin to agree In a match " "So you really were In training that timer' 1 aald. "Sure good, hard training." retorted Jee "Our hnuaa waa full of bniera and boxing glovee for two months," put In lira. WUIard. "I had half a dosen aparrlig part-Bra, part-Bra, aald Jess. ''But alnca then haven't you given . exit the Impreaalon all along that you war Indifferent to fighting again, and all tied up In business?" . V. I " .rimlllAit- W4l1rt i k-aughl that waa the beat way to tt him. I didn't want to appear too anxloua, although thera haan't been ft mlnuta whan 1 haven't bean qulatly on Ma trail. It looked aa if I might 1 never gat him mt ail it ha thought I van In ahapa. " "I thought tt waa going to work out all right. Rlrhard wired ma tn ha in Loa An galea whan Kearna got out here and thara'd ba aome thing doing to b on tha ipot and pin him down to arrangements for a match. Karna grrlvad, mat Impif and want away without a word. I'va gona from Kan- faa to Saw York after that match, and rom Kanaaa to Callforala. oorra at bhknnafi. "I'm antltled to aome kind of action. Now all thla dodging around la off. aa terms I'm concerned. I'm tha boat man I torn pee y can meat and he haa no ex-auaa ex-auaa for fooling around with Urennan, whom ha' a beaten twice, or any of tha aeher aacond ratera. I'm tha only man m tha country tha public wanta to aea krm fight- Any other match ha ran maka la a Joka Unleaa ha ahould fight Willa. and that match la out of tha fraaattoa becauae mixed matchea ara ' 'tarred practically averywhera. " "I'm In much beter condition than 1 waa when I began training to fight mpiv before'' WUIard went on. 'Then I'd been living in eitiee and '.nocklna: around through a lot of mov-bar mov-bar ptotura atuff that kept ma bitay i ad left ma oi.ly a mouth for rgu-ir rgu-ir training. I waa auft. 1 didn't fuel ;;ood. "From the tlma I left Toledo I've Mkan oara of myeelf with one llra In ilnd to get Pempeey again and win ack tha chant Dtonahip. I've been In had to hit tne on aot-k, and I'd knocked all the apeed nut of him ao he muld hardly move hla arm a. Ha could aee my punch atart and he'd Irv to aock with me, and he knew hla arm waa eo alow und heavy it wouldn't leave hie aide before my punch Int.tlM. "Hav, he wouldn't even try to move hla head away from a punch! "I ll be aMIaflrd If I'm aa game aa WUIard when aome young fellow com a along aome day und ki me out if the title" The New York aport didn't offer to argue. t ;ia country all the tlma and have dona' lot of work and walking and amna . inning. My lege were my weak i r alnt a Toledo. They'ra good now. "I waa aoft from eaay living. Now " m hard. I don't know what I weigh, 1 Jt I've baaa a lot heavier than 1 am ow. While I've been roughing It for f caupla of yeara, empaey hua been , vlng In clttea and going throunh tha I ;aaTe and moving picture atuttt, ao indltlona are reveraed. I aurrly ba-i.eva ba-i.eva I can beat Iampa-y and will beat 1 Im If I can Induce him to fig hi me." ,-KMraiY 1 WILLIO. ' Iempaey aeemed Intereated tn Wll-l.ird Wll-l.ird challenge. ,"1 d aa aoon fight WUIard aa any ine.' he aald, "ind anytime aulta me hera'a only one hitch. I've proni:ei ,.loyd Fttsalmmnna the Ijibor lo v i, ate for Michigan City, Pitaaimniona hi pick my opponent. 1 know he a een trying to get Urennan, but It will i.dtt ma aa weH If he geta WlUard. t- "If not Wlllard can have a match any time two weaka later, or a week, vr the next day. "I wlah I had aome hlg fellow a like 'hoee two to fight every week. rNot that 1 think Wlllard a eaay; at I like tha excitement. "I never thought 1 could drop Wll-rd Wll-rd tha way 1 did In Toledo. 1 felt uck y. He'a a big man to put do n with a punch. ' "Ha can hit hard. too. lie' hit ma ena uppercut In the aecond round and I m glad he didn't hit me loutirr. lie aa ao near gona that hla arm moved ow no anap to the punch. At that I . had me dlsiy for about ten et-ennda t cotr9t I expet ted to beat WllUrd 1. intended to try to get hlm In a , 0Ub4, and If I could do It t act a .at pact until I felt him Blowing up 'td then go after him again. I got 1m with th Hot punch. at I don t now what might have happened later. 4ter I got him I ahot about everything every-thing 1 had trying to keep him .wn. ' CK PRFRNDR la ILL APU. . "Aw, Wlllard lin't game," aneered a v w York aport In a; man w ho atood ar by. I'va eeen that big quitter atty near Jump out of the ring three four time a." Dam pee y, who waa lying on tha rub-ng rub-ng table, eat up auddenly. "fon't you believe he lan't game," anapped. "He waa ao game I hated hit him. 1 hoped they'd atop it. . v eah and uaually I like to aock thoaa Kg bird a and aee them flop. I know iey 11 ba all right again In half an ' h ur. . M -" never Via ao aorry for anybody In y life aa I waa for Wlllard. 1 let ' till I aaw nobody waa going to row In tha eponge for him.. I'll never ' jrget the look In hla one good eye. lpped 'nearly oat of hla head with the oat deeperate axpreaslon I aver aaw. "Jeae felt tha champtonahlp altppmg hjat ha waa trying wiia avarthlng ba r . |