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Show youngater waa beaten aeverely before guardsmen, aummoned to the scene. .ulHtiird the aaHUllant. The striker ! haa a. signed no reason for hla j attack other than that the Co1k hoy went to t'aatlegate. Anger toward the j father for working during the strike j la thought by military officials to have furnlahed motive for the nsaattlt. ' i The offender will likely be kept at j honl latHr under guard until .such time, aa hla anger toward the hoy haa I aulisltleil. In the opinion of Captain Byron Wayne, battalion adjutant. ASSAULT ON BOY CAUSESARREST 'Lad With Broken Arm Severely Se-verely Beaten IlKl.l'Kll. June S - A brutal attack i upon a amall boy by one 'etiiklng 'miner, because the former went to I'aatU'gate, wheru hla father la em- ployed, today for Surgical attention, led to the tatter's arreat and lodgment In the guardhouse here. Th assault was made at Hprtng tllen. The boy, about 1 2 yearn old, was severely beaten by his ait'utlant, who threatened dath If the youngHter ever went near Castle ale again. The victim Is the son of an American named Cook, whose home la at Spring 'Clen. . The father has been employed In the mines nt Casttfgate for some time. Thin morning the Cook boy fractured hla right arm In an accident. Mrs. Cook took him to Cant legate, where Cook secured the aervlcea of the company doctor In setting the Injured bone. ' I'pon their return to Hprlng fllen, ihe mitwr. a foreigner ntoa.il yer old, set upon the Cook bo. Thv |