Show Thrills Certain When Freberg Faces Kaplan New York Ace Recent Conqueror eror of Zbyszko i Slight Favorite Over Big John Ray Detton-Ray Fray Fruy Also Holds Plenty of Promise Just who first started this business of oC wrestling it is difficult to even surmise sur sur- surmise ur- ur m mise but whoever start started d it certain certainly opened the way for lor surprising results results re re- results re- re in the athletic field because theart the theart theart art of bone bono bending without totally breaking is thrilling throngs of fans throughout hout the country McCulloughs McCullough's arena is no exception to the rule and should be the scene of a thrilling match Friday night when Big John Freberg clashes with Abe Abc Kaplan Jewish heavyweight ht champion in a n best two out of three- three fall match No title is at stake but both men have havo been anxious for just such a n bout for many months Catch can can grappling is the favorite style o of these two pachyderms pachyderms pachyderms pachy pachy- although Freberg formerly held the worlds world's Roman Greco-Roman title The Roman Greco-Roman which of all most nearly approaches the ca catch h style is ver very popular even today throughout through through- out continental Europe and especially especial especial- ly in Germany It differs principally from the catch or free style in in that no holds are arc allowed to be taken below the waist nor is any use of the feet or legs either cither defensively or offensively permitted Since Freberg began his American tour a few years ago he soon realized realized realized real real- that his Roman Greco-Roman style was fine and dandy against another wrestler wrestler wrestler wres wres- using the same holds but that he could not compete with wrestlers without using leg holds He soon picked up the style and now is considered consIdered considered con con- one of the most capable toehold toe toehold hold artists in the game Ira can vouch as to the truth of this statement Anyhow both Freberg and Kaplan arc are out to win Fridays Friday's match and both men are willing to take plenty of chances Kaplan because of ot his recent victory over Kladek Zbyszko is slightly favored to triumph over his huge adversary However anything any any- thin thing is likely to happen There should be plenty of entertainment to togo togo go around Jack Ray Pacific coast light heavyweight heavyweight heavy heavy- weight comes here for his match with Dean Detton Delton a highly touted and picked by his coast fol fol- 1 lowers to pin the Ut Utah lh man mm H He e will have to show some mighty high 1 class wrestling to topple the local m man ln however The opening match on the card features features fea fea- tures Reed Detton in a return match with Tommy Tassos and a thrilling g encounter is predicted because o otheir of f their recent entertaining contest |