Show UTAH SUSPECT FOUND IN OREGON PRISON A year three search for Arthur Norse alias Irish McKee 50 50 wanted for or the spectacular holdup of the Industrial In In- Loan and Investment company company com corn pany offices in the Kearns building March 7 7 1929 has ended in Oregon Salt Lake police Thursday were informed informed in in- formed in a wire from Chief of Police L L. V V. Jenkins of or Portland that Norse serving servine a year two term in the Oregon Ore Ore- gon gori state prison had been identified as the man sought here Identification according to the telegram telegram tele tele- gram was made through a circular sent out shortly a after ter the holdup Norse will be held for local authorities authorities authorities ties at the expiration of his term the message stated The holdup one of the most daring ever perpetrated in Salt Lake police sa say occurred in when two masked men entered the offices o of the company and without warning fired a shot through a glass partition enclosing an inner office The bullet missed the head o of Frederick Fred Fred- crick erick J. J Kay a bond dealer by a amere amere amere mere inch and lodged in the wall vall near Horace M M. Cummings secretary treas and mana manager er of the company The bandits then bound and gagged the two men and looted the safe saCe o of between 1000 and 1200 in cash and checks As they were gathering the money a customer entered and also was bound and ag gagged ed The three victims were placed in the vault and the holdups made their escape through a n window to the roof of an adjoining building |