Show COMMUNISTS IN CHINA ENDANGER FOREIGN GROUPS British Ask Gunboat Americans Americans Americans Ameri Ameri- I. I cans Gather at Amoy I on Southeast Coast CoastIn I m In United il Pr Press SHANGHAI April 14 American 14 American British and other foreign residents o of I province on the southeastern coast o of China were reported in in danger toda today from rom Chinese communists n The British requested a gunboat I and md Americans at danger points inthe m in in the interior were preparing to concentrate concentrate con con- at nt Amoy on the coast Changchow just inland from Amoy was believed in danger General Chan Chang Chun Chinese commander com com- commander mander of the district commandeered motor cars preparatory to leading government troops against the com com- SHANGHAI April 14 P P-Mamoru P Mamoru Japanese minister said today the action of oC the Chinese in referring referring re re- ferring errin the peace proposals to the league of nations signifies the collapse collapse col col- col lapse of the peace parleys here and leaves the wa way open for Japan to take any action she may deem necessary to protect her interests here The way is open for military action action ac ac- ac- ac tion if necessary he said and he added added add add- ed that the armistice negotiations must be carried on here or not at all It Js is impractical to take up the de details details de- de tn tails ls of the Shanghai situation at Geneva he said Japans v viewpoint is that the negotiations here have reached an advanced stage and rind the thelea lea league ue should refer the matter back to Shanghai We Ve arc are hopeful t this is will willbe willbe willbe be done The minister described the Chinese action as a a 1 typical case of avoidance of ot responsibility by Chinese officials He said no new military steps will be betaken betaken betaken taken unless there was provocation He pointed out however that the Sino Japanese situation continues to tobe tobe tobe be tense and cited tiled the mobbing of a Japanese citizen in the French concession concession con con- cession ion Wednesday by Chinese This he said was the thc second such I Incident in m the last two weeks |