Show Utah Man Dies at South Sea Mission 1 Mervin Merin Albert Proctor 22 son of Bert Proctor of Union who had be been barn n doing missionary work for the L. L DS D D. S S. S church in the mission at the Tonga islands lands since November 1931 died April 12 according to word received Thursday by President Heber J J. Grant from Irom Newel J. J Cutler president of the foreign mission Mr Proctor was born in Heber City Cay and had lived In Union for a nUm- nUm bar ber jer of years He was a graduate of the hc Jordan high school and the thc L L. D. D S S. S seminary He had been active in church work in m the islands until he became ill the first part of or April Plans for the funeral and burial have lave not yet et been made |