Show N Nominations For r D. D i A. A B. B Mrs C P. P Overfield was nominated for regent of ot Spirit of ot Liberty chapter chapter chapter chap chap- ter of or the D D. A. A R. R at the regular meeting Thursday y at the home ol of Mrs James S. S Taylor on Yalecrest avenue Other nominations follow Vice re regent ent Mrs H H. K Klingender chaplain Mrs H. H W. W re recording recording recording re- re cording secretary Mrs E. E C. C Preston Preston Preston Pres Pres- ton corresponding secretary Mrs GD G G. D D. of treasurer reelected Mrs E. E A. A Hall HaJJ registrar Mrs R R. N. N Mrs H It J. J Wallace WaIlace custodian reelected Mrs A. A L. L Thomas chairman o of the program committee Miss Linda Jes Jes' Jessup sup directors Mrs A A. Jack Hosmer retiring regent recent Mrs R R. W. W Fisher reelected and md Mrs Herbert Barton The members of the nominating committee were Mrs L L. H. H Mrs A. A E. E Mrs R. R N. N Stocks- Stocks lager Mrs E. E A. A Hall and Miss Linda Jessup The election will be in m May Harle Harley W V Gustin gave cave a l talk on Thomas Jefferson and vocal numbers numbers numbers num num- bers were given civen by Mrs Jed F. F Woolley Jr accompanied by Mrs J. J W. W Johnson Tea was waS' served following following following follow follow- ing the program Mrs George H. H Ryan chairman of ot the hostess committee committee committee com com- was in charge chare assisted by Mrs W. W G G. B. B Terrell Mrs R R. F. F Cordell Mrs Herbert Howell Mrs Roy Bothwell Bothwell Both- Both well Mrs 1 G G. B. B Swaner and Miss 1 Linda Jessup The tea lea table was centered with daffodils and forsythia Yellow tapers In silver candlesticks were at each end Mrs G. G R R. Whit Whit- meyer of Ogden state slate regent was wasa a a. special guest at the meeting An interesting tea was given Iven com complimenting the girls of the freshman class Wednesday between 4 1 and 6 p. p m in the women's lounge of oC the Union building on the campus of the University of Utah The members of the Associated Women Students were hostesses Miss Laura Snow president of the organization Miss Eleanor Dawson and Miss Dorothy Ha Hanford ord received the guests The servin serving table was covered with a 3 handsome lace cloth over yellow satin sat in and was centered with yellow daffodils daffodils daffodils daf daf- in a 3 crystal bowl Yellow tapers tapers ta ta- pers pets were at each end Presiding were Miss Elizabeth Gibbs Miss Dorothy Doroth Flandro and Miss LaVon Crane The committee In charge charse of the affair alair in in eluded Miss Dorothy Hanford Miss Anne Cannon Miss Laura Snow and Miss Margaret Jacobsen president president- elect Xi Alpha chapter of the Chi Omega sorority announces the formal installation in installation in in- of or the following officers Miss Virginia Cahoon president Miss 1 Afton AHon Brown vice ice president Miss Katherine Covey secretary Miss Maxine Gaddie Caddie treasurer Miss Kathrn Kathr Kathryn Kath Kath- r ryn rn n Hyde pledge mistress Miss Pauline Pauline Pauline Pau Pau- line Pingree herald and Miss Gloria Rich chapter correspondent The ceremonies took place Wednesday evening at the chapter house on East First South street Jefferson ca camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers will meet Friday at 2 p p. p m m. with Mrs W. W H H. Andrews 1600 South SouthWest SouthWest West Temple street Jolly Dozen will be entertained on Friday at a 1 30 p p. p m. m luncheon at the home of Mrs N. N A. A Page South Ninth West street |