Show Utah Art Group to Meet in Springville The Utah Academy of Arts and Letters Lotters Let Lot will wm hold Its Ilc spring session at S Saturday at p. p m m. visiting the art gallery Le Lc Compte Stewart chairman of oi the theart theart theart art section will conduct the visit Artists will attend to discuss the paintings hanging in m the gallery for lor forthe forthe the spring show The academy formed several years jears cars ago includes in its member membership hip writers writ writ- ers eroS musicians painters sculptors architects dancers and other creative crea crea- tire tive artists and patrons of the arts Professor or Harrison R. R Merrill of or B. B Y U U. U is president and Mrs Elsie Thomas Brandley Brandle is vice president President Merrill MerriU Invites all members mem mem- bers bess of the academy to attend as 35 well as the Interested public |