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Show wsaamm a I rasaas w I a a rwwiw I Mm l I aanBuwawa mini jb u i i imi i ua i imamm u I I I amnrit 1 1 LJ " ! I Zuraaaai la inua aaaM8i i I saraa a-ai I hdbdhm will mmi -aa i nm m mini hiibi bi i i m i i i i i aiaawnnw Mill mi wm,m I Bj5aii ibt m , ' aana I bi in mb i i ii J a i i in i misbbiiiiibi bmmmm aa m a but , m u u I a Bean IV bbhbm m-ia "! ami I hi i a ia a n n mm a bb i i b. m mm bbbhhi a bb i i m M H I I CMnai a J gaaaaa a I aa re ijmm a w-wmmaom iara I a ariMBM aaa a I a I mmmammm mm i a w I m i r a I aaaiinj aa I If A Vk' ' i T TjSiLaS HBp5mis Blr03ttoiiey Directory advertisements of three lines or less, $1.00 per calendar month, one month minim Additional lines 25 cents per line per month. Display business directory ads, $3.00 per month. Ajj run continuously unless notified otherwise. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRICAL, contracting, complete com-plete electrical equipment, at Erdmann Electric Shop. 353 South 1st East. Phone 227. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING We pick up and deliver. Phone 472-R. Elden Bartholomew, 7th East, Swenson Ave. CUSTOM TAILORED CLOTHES REPRESENTING P. H. Davis Tailoring Co. Suits, overcoats, slacks, sports wear, sweaters. J. M. Hunter, 17 Brookside Drive. Phone 566-W. DAIRY PRODUCTS PASTEURIZED MilK, cream and ither dairy products. Daily delivery, de-livery, Sanitary Dairy. Phone 377-M. MOTOR REBTjnj)ING MOTOR rebuilding by mechanics from complete S"' motor parts. Koepsel r Phone 122. PAINTING & DECORATaT By Experts! - I. E. Sanford k. SANFORD'S PAINT & U PAPER COMPANY 230 E. 2nd South Sprlnirvill, Phone 673-J 159 W. 5th No., Spanish Fort Phone 359-W Springville Herald WMT AED For Sale - Wanted - Employment - Lost and Found - For Rent or Lease - Services Offered Miscellaneous. All Want Ads 2c Per Word Per Issue CASn WITH ORDER - 25c Minimum per Issue Please Do Not Ask Us To Accept Want Ads By Phone Keyed and Blind Ads 25c Additional per Issue WANT ADS ACCEPTED any time up to noon Wednesday for Insertion in next morning issue. DIRECTORY advertisements of three lines or less, $1.00 per calendar month, one month minimum. Additional lines 25c per lino per month. "KEYED" and "BLIND" ads, such as "leave name at Springville Spring-ville Herald," "Phone Springville Herald" or "Write in care of Springville Herald," 25c per insertion additional to regular 2c per word. ARTICLES FOUND and turned in at Springville Herald office will be advertised one issue only, without cost to finder. Owner may identify and claim upon payment of 50c. While eare is taken in handling such lost and found items turned in to the Herald, no responsibility is accepted for such articles. CASH WITH ORDER Except with business firms, maintaining maintain-ing open accounts with the Herald, all Want Ads are cash-in-advance. The rule is made necessary because of the expense of posting small accounts often equals the amount involved. Unless you have an open advertising account here, please do not ask us to accept Want Ads over the telephone. The publishers reserve the right to edit, revise or reject any or all advertising. In case of error or omission in any advertisement adver-tisement the publishers are liable only to the extent of rerunning re-running the ad. Errors should be reported immediately. ALTERATIONS $ Call Mrs. Cuyler, 447 North 2nd West, Provo, Phone 2276R for expert tailoring and alterations. altera-tions. Men's, ladies suits and top coats made to order dresses and formals also men's suits made over for women. AUTO LUBRICATION MAR-FAC lubrication done by experienced ex-perienced technician with best equipment. Smittle's Texaco Service. Phone 27. BOOKS BEST sellers, L. D. S. publications youth and children's books. Art City Publishing Co., 161 South Main. CESSPOOLS & SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, by Veteran. Waste hauled in sealed tanks. Reasonable. Reason-able. Phone Provo 3607. COAL SPRING Canyon Coal. Prompt delivery. Call Reed M. Hales. Phone 278-J2, Mapleton. nl-p COAL t ' BUY YOUR COAL from Boyer"s. Delivery by pickup. Phone 160-W. 160-W. Edward H. Boyer. 234 W. 7th South. tf COAL E. H. Miller's Cash Coal. Phone 279J2. Third house North of Holley's, East side of road, Mapleton. Map-leton. COMMERCIAL FERTDLIZER FOR farm, lawn and garden. Free soil testing. Edward H. Boyer, 234 W. 7th South. DELIVERY SERVICE j MARINE CLEANERS The finest in cleaning for people peo-ple who care. Complete Service. Ser-vice. Phone 111-J. 268 South 4th East FIRESTONE TIRES & TUBES ROADSIDE service for tire repairs. re-pairs. Complete farm tire service. serv-ice. Phone 212. j, CARPENTRY WORK General Carpentry, call-,, work, By hour or contract. & filing. J. J. O'Brien, 850 East L North, Spanish Fork, Utah. Ph-71M. Ph-71M. Ali- DRAINS - SEWERS RAZOR - KLEENED, electrict Revolving knives remove ro:: grease scale, etc. Prompt Sen-Phone Sen-Phone Provo 872J Read th Find the help you need or the job you want. . . . Sell or buy through these columns. GUN SMITH SERVICE Rebarreling - Reblueing SIGHT REPAIRS Telescopic Sights Installed STOCK WORK Parts Carried in Stock. RECHAMBERING JAP RDU to 300 Sav 30-06 257 Rote.' THE GUN SHOP 125 EAST CENTER PROVO BaBaaBBBBaajajajajajajB)jajaaaBBBBaBBBRBBBBBaBa HEMSTITCHING MRS. CARL NORTON, 111 & 7th South. n PIANO TUNING EXPERT tuning. Reasonble Phone 687-R. Golden Hanse: Brookside Drive. PLUMBING. HEATING, ELECTRICAL NEEDS WE sell and install refrigers-air refrigers-air conditioning, stokers, t softener, oil burners, G. welders, electric water to Hjorth Bros. Phone 26SJ1. 6: nr fiSSW. mmm... " REFRIGERATIONSEKVl WE HANDLE all oomroerc ' f rifferation works. Phone - FOR SALE Typewriter Ribbons and Adding Machine ribbons, all types $1.50. Art City Publishing Co. tf ESTATE Coal range; and oil circulator cir-culator heater. Make offer. Call 98J after 5:30 p.m. A28p 64" by 50" hand crochet pineaple design tablecloth, $50.00. 514 East 1st North. a28p BABY BUGGY, good condition. Call 446W, 266 North 2nd East. a28p New brick home, garage attached, Gas furnace, water heater, large lot. Contact owners. Phone 294M or 797W. Corner 7th South and 7th East. M5p WHITE enamel coal range, cheap. Oil furnace burner, cheap. Phone 555W. 80 West 1st North. m5p HAY WAGON on rubber, $50.00, also one 2 -way 12 inch slat mould board plow, $25.00. H. R. Newman, Mapleton. a28p 210 x 60 ft. building lot with fruit trees and berries. Between 4th and 5th East on 1st North. Mrs. Jean Ashby, 436 East Center. a28p i MISCELLANEOUS FOR Fuller brush Service, Please call W. S. Cheever, 2044R, at Provo, Utah. Jlp DRESSMAKING Mildred Simmons, Sim-mons, 340 East 2nd So. Phone 658-R. a28p A Today Your Pharmacist Dropt f A few facts About... fi, A U CYANINE DYES A Useful in photography, Aj cyanine dyes have now p been found effective in p' the treatment of filariasis A or elephantiasis, a disease o i which thickens skin and r IJjf tissues and often deforms ' the person. Tests on pa- A tients in Puerto Rico show that the disease can apparently be cured by - injections of the dyes. F, A Your Doctor's Knowledge vjf Is the Key to Health p . Use It: p y - Phone 2 - C. A. Deep" REYNOLDS GLASS & PAINT CO. Shenvin Williams Enameloid Semi Luster S. W. P. Outside Paint Pahco Enamel (Outside Paint) Venetian Blinds Window Shades Telephone ljj SHEET METAL SG Warm air furnace. . a; and stokers. e ' t: clean all makes rm naees. Phone J',wi.,Kr. lth South. WW l n a e o Co. TAXI DAY or nlRht. Phone J City Cab. Walt" r South M"l- TIKE KKPAIB WE gmu-auteo t; every typo "f tlr01, Service, riuuio V- |