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Show 11 ' Art Pays Big Dividends Just four more days and the 25th annual National Nation-al High School Art Exhibit will transcend into history and another milestone will have been passed in the achievement record of the city and school. There is no way of recording the influence of this great art event on the lives of students and others who have viewed the paintings or on those who have worked to perpetuate this mammoth undertaking. Every painting displayed is a sincere expression of the meaning of life as some fine spirit sees it expressed ex-pressed in nature, and no one can visit the gallery without gaining something though that something may be invisable and immeasurable. At the close of the April show, one or more paintings paint-ings will be selected to become a part of our permanent perman-ent collection, but one of the most pleasing things of the event is that each of us may go, select our own masterpiece and know that for us it is the best. There are perhaps as many masterpieces in the gallery this year as there have been visitors, and that is as it should be, for as the artist interprets his subject, the visitors interprets the painting. Each of us carry to the paintings our owrn experiences, and as these experiences differ, so do our likes and dislikes of these pieces of art. Those who have made return visits to the gallery have received big dividends, as one must live with paintings as with people to know their souls. And those who have failed to take advantage of the display dis-play of art have missed something which will never come again. Each student who has seriously studied the work of this year's exhibiting artists has unconsciously gained something which will carry through the years. Without realizing it, students take something of the art world with them when they leave the Springville high school, and they are proud and appreciate the knowledge which they have gained. While it is impossible to place a value on any single exhibit, the 1949 show and all others to follow will excell because of the Steed Memorial gift collection. collec-tion. These pictures have been the focal point of interest this year, and have been the subject of much discussion and fine comment. The acquisition of this fine collection is proof that reward comes from untiring untir-ing effort and determination to carry on. It is as a tribute to the originators of the art project, and as a compliment to those who have worked" through the years to make the art a success. ' So as the 25th Annual National Art Show comes to a close, there should be a determination and spirit of cooperation among students and citizens to stimulate stimu-late interest in a movement which has unlimited possibilities pos-sibilities and which means so much to Springville. - |