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Show 11 flf 'ACHECKW6 mDtIv account I jl ... And put your personal finances on a n I safe and convenient basis for the rest of jj the year, for all time in fact. Drop in u tomorrow. We'll show you how you can u save time, actually save money, and also 1 t have a perfect record of your expendi- I tures, plus valid receipts for all of your i t payments, when you use one of our con- venient checking accounts. No minimum 1 I ' balance required. j g CFEDERAL RESERVtT Q Springville Banking Company I LMWWBllllMIllJUlMmia ' tfki it So they shall knoiv goo J music of all nations Casey Jones, Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, Johnny Apple-seed Apple-seed ... all the legendary heroes of America are this year coming to life for children in 2,663 schools jT " aSs22s-r- through the music of the Standard School Broadcast. m Each week, this program plays and explains good S T y j. L music for an estimated 400,000 classroom listeners. M ?D l Title of the current course is "American Music and IpS '''ORm Kl Folklore". .. but over the years, music of all nations foe plans ahead f I has been studied and enjoyed. Manuals and other ft ' Serve y0l f'J materials are supplied for the use of teachers. fjj s Ber t ji This is the twenty-first year of Standard School 9r?ste Ulr Broadcasts. It is our sincere hope that we have helped "'5rfc235l55 m children in the West know and appreciate the music of the world and understand better its people. Standard Oil Company of California Adwrtltimtnt From where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh fJvrr How We Licked 4pf The Parking Problem For a while it looked like we'd have to put up parking meters. Folks working in town including some of the store owners were taking up all of the space along Main Street Farmers coining in to shop never found a place to park, and sometimes some-times had to lug stuff a half mile or so. Some started to do their buying buy-ing in other towns. Finally, store owners and farmers had a get-together get-together with the result that the empty field near the depot was fixed up for all-day parkers. Now farmers get their shopping done comfortably, and the merchants mer-chants have a better place to park than they had before. Just took a little friendly co-operation to make everybody happy. From where I sit, most differences differ-ences can be ironed out by just talking things over maybe with a j cup of coffee or glass of beer and seeing the other person's side of it. Next time you have a problem or a little difference to settle, why not try just that? Copyright, 1949, United States Brewers Foundation |