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Show "MITTI MINE DISTRICT ItGTIVE White Caps Mill Operates Steadily; Big Pine Deposit De-posit Shows Well. Developments in the several mines of the Manhattan, Xev., district, while devoid de-void cf sensation, continue steadily, according to the Manhattan Magner. Production and development is up to normal. There is no longer a serious shortage short-age in manpower, although there are no idle miners or millmen in the camp. All the material that comes out of the Black Mammoth shaft is being saved for milling. It all horns and some of the rock contains specimen gold. The White Caps treated the usual tonnage of ore, the grade of which was well up to the average that has been maintained for months past. The west crosscut shows material improvement. Ore is expected any day at that point. The first timbers have been placed- in the shaft below the sUth level sump and the bore is steadily going down. A larger waterline is being installed ill the shaft to tare for the increa;ed water flow as the workings deepen. Nearly all the ore supplied the mill is coming from the big stope in the east on the sixth, where several thousand tons is broken. The Zanzibar Mining company is financed fi-nanced so as to be able to carry on heavy work, which ma' be started before be-fore the end of the month. It is understood un-derstood that the first operation will lie running a crosscut from the 300-foot level of the Zanzibar White Caps extension ex-tension shaft to tap the White Caps ore zone, which is exrected to bo reached in about 400 feet. The Verde is being steadily sunk. All the material that is taken out is excellent grade ore and is being sent to the mill. Dry Wash Wilson is completing arrangements ar-rangements to drift on bedrock and prove up several hundred acres of placer ground, sluicing on which will begin early next spring. There appears to be no limit to the ore body in the Big Pine. Although over 1000 tons have been mined and milled each week, the deposit seems to have hardly been touched. |