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Show f T AGE WSCK EE N 1 I i Mi ii i t ...i.iim., ,., i vrr., J bita Stewart Is Star of Film at American lT0JJ which last nlshl ui . : v-v ,'.ti;t..- : Ims'.tnJ : j,. japaclty of '.u house. H tM Ptinl GW nlch Is on the Kinin today. 's 1 romance o . K, sVrl who i"-"' 10 " ' r Krwnijht by song hit. The pic. B Tw ( ; takes the lo.idtux role. m Coowm) rwle, th KThAjova and sorrows of the sw.iso Rw. - 1 prt ' lrl - ; . p . .1 IV'1' He? r:st trom a ,wr. s'.r: LatospiM-cr in i-.-sht la intensely Iff.'';? -v of some of the o.d Engl'Sh Ijg.'.s..' e heerv under cultival on PjJJ!. -V is shown the p Or., t . , home or W:.' v - -o'.-.s the part taken Kotrly Bearfe particular In- mt Ljgt ilso were arranged with to Ksi car- ; x- B5"ef the ::.:erior of the K P; .; v or o waa s.--; tj r'i iatar ""- " ne Castle and fatty Arbuckle at Paramount Kg CAST LE In ' r b e M v IsJble tel." i dramalsc phciop'.Hy of v.-.atv.cJ: Msei M tbl novel. "The See-w. fi::v Aruokle in his "ew w r. -. air "The Haseel." shared honors the screen a: the Paramount-Empress large ar.d pleasei . i:::'.:. - - has .v't.: ; ".'.h cra-c:"ul : m piide next year's style in gowns, current offering she is much more. Hgh her COStunefl are as varied as ; she prov es h ersx 1 a so .;. v o -ii ;:ar ot conslderall r.er.t The Hayseed " Fatty A : -..e H&covided with an excellen: stor". ii a!-T:s h::u opportttni ties not only H&e cisrlay of bis :alents as j. HBt tor all-round acting a? well. T Kea who pulls a :i ::r..er icro'-..; s: .-:s. aided ar.d ahetted ke village constable and the store-E! store-E! To see Arhu-kle de Iver mail on te; nata 'S a joy. The is M : eaa and good fun. Br-- Eftvisfbta Bond," as presen te i t : Ke Cas-e. is good entertainment of a Beat sort. It is a thought-compelling pre. Supportir-rrT Irs. CaMle : 11 Kordon as the young husband. Others the cas: ir.cl-de CfaUre Adams and King Ward. The same show will be i again today and for the following V N Producers Bid for Services of Star VT ABEL NORMAXD. who has been styled "the foremost screen comedienne,' co-medienne,' has just renewed a long-term long-term contract with Goldwyn Pictures corporation. This announcement was made last week. Miss Normand's popularity has increased in-creased in recent years with more acceleration ac-celeration than that of any other screen star. A recognition of this was evidenced evi-denced by the leading producing companies com-panies that had been insistently bidding for her services up to the time of the renewal of the Goldwyn contract. It is said that Miss Norma nd decided to remain re-main with Goldwyn, despite other flattering flat-tering offers, because she was convinced con-vinced that the organization provided the best possible facilities for an actress to develop her art to tru? highest decree. Miss Norm and is now in New York on a short vacation between productions. She has just finished '"Pinto." by Victor Vic-tor Schertzinger, her director, a screen play that, according to those who have seen the first print at the Culver City studios, is destined to surpass in popularity popu-larity any of Miss Normand's previous productions, not excepting "Jinx" that is being heralded by exhibitors as one of the best box-office pictures issued in the past twelve months. In speaking of her ambition for the future. fu-ture. Miss Norma nd made it clear that she does not wish to base her popularity on any one definite line of characteriza-tions. characteriza-tions. She believes that there is danger of an actress becoming too distinctly typed and that to avoid this there should be marked variety in the story material provided. Mr. Schertzinger's story, "Pinto." appealed to her particularly, particu-larly, because it offered a role unlike anything she had essayed in the past, that of a western ranch gfrl who Is more at home with horses than with people. Fundamentally, "Pinto" is a story of the plains, in which Miss Normand is the "pampered darling" of five ranch owners who become her guardians. But the plot provides plenty of opportunity for contrast in locations when the action shifts to New York, where ;he ill-mannered western girl is launched in fashionable society. The comedy scenes are a natural development of the situations situa-tions in which conflicting characters are brought together. Miss Normand said that she looked forward to returning to the Culver City studios to start work on her next picture, pic-ture, the continuity of which is now being prepared. "Jim s Girl" Wins Applause at the Hippodrome A 5 Mile. Tvor.nr Kep.riette Maiscn-' Maiscn-' nave. In the title role of "Jim's j Girl." which opened at the Hippodrome last night. Kirnan King appears in the j type of character for which she is most adapted. The part is that of a pretty French maid, who, having given her love to an American soldier while he was In Francef comes lo America as a stowaway that she may join him. Its interpretation calls for the portrayal of intense and impulsive emotions and Miss King's ability abil-ity is at its best. The natural beauty of the actress adds much to the effectiveness effec-tiveness of the presentation. Ralph Cloninger. as Private Jyn Bedford, Bed-ford, the soldier lover of Yvonne, has a role that calls for the exhibition of manly courage to stand by what is right when appearances make him seem in the wrong to his friends and when his actions ac-tions threaten to cause endless trouble. He interprets the part with conviction. Jim's buddy, Eddio Fry, a good-natured soldier who has neither relatives nor friends awaiting him on his return from war, is delineated with success by Harold Hutchinson. Will Dibbs, military expert of the "Rumor Republican." arid Windy Miller, a "true Democrat." two small-town politicians of the old type, are well handled by L. Victor Gillard and Seldv Roach. respectively, and Hutchinson Butch, the village political boss, who is devoid of feeling or conscience, con-science, is convincingly presented by Stanley Jonasson. Claire Morrow as Mara Filling gives a good interpretation of a village belle, and the other parts taken by Edward Eddie as D. S. Marshal McKeon. Pearl S Van Norman as Betty Bruce and May Roberts as Jim s mother are handled with success. The story grows out of complications which arise from the endeavors of a French girl to follow her sweetheart to America Mile. Maisonnave and Jim are prevented from marrying by the sudden orders for Jim's legiment to return to merica. The girl stows away m the ransport and is discovered in mid-ocean by her sweetheart and. at the same time by the guard. She is arrested, but e-capel and appears at the Bedford home shortlv after Jim's arrival. An unscrupulous un-scrupulous 'politician takes advantage of the situation to further Ins ends and the entanglements grow steadily more intense. . fciiydols to Give New Numbers at Newhouse WTHER of the lively entertainments i 7:.:yi-;s ' ; .e- )-.e: e tonight for the week's nn. Grove r laiie, director of the revue, has pre- a bill which w;l provide an en-aiineat en-aiineat of wide ranje anr' one which 1 i;peai ;o ever-.- sriest of che New-Ik New-Ik ifcshow this wee-: will open with an P&e nuxber. represcr.-.ing a picnic WtO) aS r.-.enhers of the company part All the p.-ir.cipals :: re iuegd in this :err and each will a s:':o wirh chorus. The number oocclda with i new waus clog dance t entire company. Del Estes wiii introduce a number p Salt Lake, called "At the High-gfahies" High-gfahies" Bail," with a iazz dance by E- Theriac will sing- a new hallad, rDrea.Ti Girl." with the chorus as-te as-te With this number will be inter-PW inter-PW "Day Dreams," from "The Spring : of the most popular o? last week's ft "Just for Me and Man." will be " iu1" or "s wee's'B entertainment. 4 S?,,egt of many patrons of the i wa" and the "Rose Room" num-Q num-Q also continue this week, of the big features will be a solo soyMiss Hannah Leach and a danc-jzmber danc-jzmber by Miss Leach and Mr. FWit week, Mr. Frankie is prepar-mm prepar-mm borate revue which will open i California Orange Fete number, of Better Sort Promised in 'Cliin Chin" at Salt Lake Theater Tonight, nmsic of Ivan Caryl! which 'serves l?Jstrate the storv of "Chin Chin," wmes to the Salt Lake theater ior only two days and special in0? ee and fn whic" Walter hint a X Binder demonstrate their k 1 drollery and their skill in danc-i danc-i th em.on3t-rat:on of the wisdom of ttVJL kind of muic even to j k lirllr- In other words, there I teni -hin" one more proof that , Pays. 1 tTJ'-T"1'' Including W.ce- 'ii'i CW" ad s&tur(te' m,tl" )i itaSb1?1" "I Tn.i7. with sp-l sp-l "Mm "i?. Charles Dillingham's IV,, r , . "Chin Chin"; W.hiPr.lsv. Hlk, 7 "d Saturday, with mali-y mali-y Tie ana s'nrJr. Guy Bates Poat , fcT M"l,I'Ier." MUT ""iih "Ko' Tet. Marie," ' i;? "The Lure of in- i..,"" ac" of raudevl'.Ie. Con- - teBil ' 11 m- !Jia?l;y'0,1i'lllt- bl" n.,w playing with I fhre. "-ytno Japan.!.... Five other ' ' bill h"T' ikilj 2:. 7:30. 9:15. .. "Mnesday. ' Sdl.5.0TELr-"Tn! Follrdols." every ' l. ,r,W Grover Krankle. 6:3"J to ' L'. '0 l-:30 p. m.: Sunday. 8 to . l-. inursday and Saturday afternoons, Uf0r-VTM0TIO!r pICTTJIU;8. ' ! i J,p'IES5-l Castle in "The '"awtV-vi "atty" Arbuckle In hla hrjr be !la;seed." f- JCJ'V Alll8,n In "Almo5t Mar. '( '"; i.,7 J-, L'"rlett In "The Midnight he.tr' " Ba 1Iuslc b;" PrillL. Ptek,,,r' "A Burglar by ' PV?. "F"1ls of the Beach." and - tograph." !?& F"rr In "The He'.! Cat." by I Mvj Lloyd cmedy and Pathe : i" i'jmif" Sl,,vr;lr' In "Mlud the Paint A If. TK' "0rder In the Court." Pathe ' Slrltl '"" Phllharuionlo oreheMra. ., selections. Miss Esther "Tin. Continuous, 11 a. m. o. f.J?. Cod' Country." Ladies' or- Acts on Casino Program Prove Attractive A WELL-RECEIVED bill is offered at A the Casino theater in the show which opened yesterday. Knowles and Hurst. Grace De Winters in a ventriloquist ven-triloquist Surprise" and Dean cooper and company present.ng the playlet, Christmas Christ-mas Eve' were the most popular acts 0IhSford "and Watts presented a clever BoSnSd dance act; Hough Jack and George were amusing n the r songs niTrticular'.v Agnes,-' and Wright and Erie presented a refined act of dancing nd s nging. The Kiwama Japs are t?me of the cleverest in their line who have appeared in Salt Lake this season Their work as equilibrists was of a high rTho offering is completed by the Wil-iu Wil-iu a Fox motion picture production. i!Tho Lure of Ambition." starring Theda Ear |