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Show SEARGHING CITY ! FOR SB) Itffi Socialist Lecturer Threatened Threat-ened With Tar and Feathers by Mob. (By Universal Service.) READING. Pa.. Nov. 23. Under threats of a crowd of 5000 citizens and former soldiers, leader of a Socialist organization or-ganization here tonight 'called off a meeting meet-ing at which the Rev. Irvln St. John Tucker was to have been tho principal speaker. The crowd began gathering around Socialist So-cialist headquarters during the afternoon. Mayor Filbert went to the hall and urgeu the' Socialists to call off the meeting. He d.en ask. ! the crowd of citizens and former for-mer service men to disperse. They refused, re-fused, demanding that Tucker be surrendered surren-dered to them. Tucker v. is ;uken from the hall by a side door, placed in a Ckjclcak and rushed sway. Citizens followed In automobiles, but lost the trail. A manhunt through Reading stsrte.i. The former service men appolnnd pickets to see that Tucker doeo not leave Reading. According to lenders In the antl-SocIa:-Ist movement, the ex-soldiers plan to tar and feather Tucker and ride him out of town on a rail when he Is caught. The police were apprehensive of serious seri-ous trouble tonight and wero striving to restore order. Three men. said to be Italians, who came from Philadelphia to attend the Socialist So-cialist matting, were arrested. They were heavily arnieth |