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Show TROOPS PATROLLING SCENE OF OUTBREAK BOG ALL'S A, LA., Nov. 3.-- Urn vlly nrmcd guards p;itrollctl ilir Mrcetn today to-day to prevent violence, follOWlnC a pitched Ijjittle yeuterday between union loiulerK Hiifl npnclul poller, In vhleh threes of the former wer, kilted and ao oral porstona wounded. The hiiI nor i tic h announued LOday that the fighting wiin tho euhnlnat Ion pf an Attempt to protect Sol Dflaifl. a nrgro union organizer, wlm wan sought hv t he police An a dangerous ehH raotOf. Two union men. It wan charged, walktd through the atroets with the negr.,, both armed with shotgun. Whan the three reached local union hp:idr)unrtrri , tin- police, po-lice, aided by member "f the "loyalty league," ma tie up partly from the etn ployeen nf the Oreat Sfuthcrn Lumhrr ompatr ' plant, attempted Iv arn-Ht th" nngro. A battle followed, In wbleh threr of 'the negro's dafendori u'eie lulled, two were woutided and a member 0f I he posflO wan Injured. |