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Show NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals for constructing or improving im-proving t he national ft ires t mad pr.i.h-ct. Modena-St. (leorge road, located within or partly within the I'ixie national fure.-i. state of U'tali. county i.f Washington, will ! be received hy the district engineer, bu- reaii of public roads. V . S. ih-narina nt of , aL-riculture. at bu; Colonel Hudson build- ; ing. Orden, Utah, until 2 o'clock on the r.rd day of Juno. I'M:, at which time ami Ulace they wiil be publicly opened and -eud. The riuht is reserved to vj.-ci. any and all bids, and none wi'l Ik- considered con-sidered except those from con tractors ascertained to be experienced and responsible. re-sponsible. The length of project to be i t i ii ' t I'M1' ell ; or improved is approx ima t ely i o.ii mile.--, and liie principal items of work u:c approximately ap-proximately as follows: One thousand one hundred s.-veiGy cubic cu-bic yards rock excavation. 1 s.o 0 cir ic yards common excava i ion. IT' cubic ards ina sonry, 11:"' ii real feet c. a'rn -gated metal pip'-, 2","0 ciduc yards grael turfacing. Thu work embracc'l in this contract sb.r.ll be completed within L'.u wcaili--r working days (j-atre lu. The contract lot m and lhe nnp-c idaus. specific, n ions am! esi i ma t es of ipai u ; u ies may be examined by responsible co;i!ra-- ioi-i at the f'.llowia a - i i r -se.- : U'H.m SS'1 .Mills building. San bra :i"isco, i 'ab Kuom b'K CoUniel 1 1 ii r ! .-'.ii buihiinn. ( g-den. g-den. i:;ah. U':rest sui'er ;.mii-, St. tb-orue. Utah. All proposals must i.e ma.ie on f.-rr.i a nd in acconla :fce v. ith ini ruci forming a part of the sj'ccit i a..i .ns a:)"Vtj referred lo. 1 1. .1. ! lCr . 1 Msli-.cl L-a.caa' r. |