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Show DR. A. J. STEWART, physician !: and surioa, wiio died l, :;t j j niglit ut his home in Prove i, .Jijb: -1 J ljjapjjwaeaBwiii 1 U- ' ji-i-if in. -i nyy? , Pi0 PHYSICIiW DIES OHlEiyl President of Utah County Medical Association 111 Ten Days. Special to Tlie Tribune. I'ROVO, May 21. Dr. A. J. Stewart. for six years a physician, and surgeon hero, 'died litis evening at his home in the Fii'ih ward from an attack of pneumonia.' pneu-monia.' He contracted the disease ten days ago. Dr. .Stewart w.is tlie son of Ihe lato .Andrew ,1. and Melissa K. Stewart of I Pvovo, and was born in this fit v on ! April 3 0, VM'A. We worked with his father for a number of years on govs ; eminent survey work. Later he taught school in .Summit county. At one time 'lie went on a mission to Germany fur : the L. D. S. church. ' Jn ISOo, Dr. Stewart was graduated from the business department of the Brighnin Young university, and in 190U from the no mm I depart men t . Le was given a degree of Doctor of Modi-cine Modi-cine at Daltimore in 11K)J jipon his graduation grad-uation from a physicians and surgeons college there. 11c practiced medicine for five years at Mount Pleastui t, and was for three years a member of the si off of the I.. I). S. hnspilnl at Salt- Lake. Kecently. he was elecied president of the Utah Count y M cdieal assoeia lion. His wife, Rose Young Stewart, three daughters, cmj? sister, Jda Stewart Peay, two brothers, Scott P. Stewart and John ft. Stewart, ami his mother survive him. |