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Show NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Pealed propoBrils will be received at Iho ' office of the State Tioiid Conimisalon, State Cnpftol Building, Salt Lake CltV. ' accordlnp: to the plans on llle In the of flee above mentioned, until 2 p. m.. May 2H, 1919, for tfradliitf and pavliig v.itu cement concrete 6 Inches to S inches thlch on the I'ollowlriK Htato roads: 1. From Highway Cti wet on Thirty' ; third South to the present paving at M.'iKua, Salt ,nko county, Utah, a distance dis-tance of 4.80 miles. 2. From a point south R.3fi miles from the end of lh present paving at Midvnle, Salt Lake county, Utah, to the north i city limits of American Fork, Utah conn -t ty. I'tah, excludinff t tie city of Lehi, a distance of J 1.1 2 miles. , 3. From the south city li in i Iff of , Pleasant Grove to tho north city limits of , Provo, Utah county, Utah, a distance oi ' 8.23 miles. 4. From tho end of the prespnt pav- , Int;, wliich 1:; upproxlmatelv one ml) 1 ; north of the Utah Ha Sprtnps, to tho south Hty llrnltH of TirlRham City, elder r-ounty, Utah, excluding that por- Hon already paved, a distance of .S.ifl) 1 I miles. j Instructions to bidders, together with . , i plnns and specifications, form of contract 'and bond, may be obtained at the offie 1 of the Stale lload ("ommiHBlon upon d positing J.'.O0 per set. j The Slate Ioad ("omrnlfision has and i hereby retains the ri'ht to reject any and all bids or to accept any bid which L deems bt-Ft nnd waive minor defr's. STATIC J!')AI) COMMISSION. Hy Ira 11, Lrowninn, Secretary, ( |