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Show J. i. nil Tuesday. 8:15. Knur Mm I J " KjcinilitlR Thun.fl;iy."-3o BEC" WEDNESDAY EVs7 J '"i LAST VAUDEVILLE OF Tu 111 SEASON nt.' f: i C0x 1 I j SAT3 MAH-i :! T, l and Company .(j 1 " J "THE QUESTION" T GENARO & GOLD ''j NETA JOHNSON ' V,'t: i- ' A Little of This and a Llttl as ' f.. , ': Tllat Harry LARNED Emmie 'J,;' f.:j DILLY KINKAID j ,i In "A CHILD OF CHILDS" r. ' (i'jowl' b" J liA eninss 10c. 2;".c. 50c. 7rc II -u ' Matinees loo. Sic. Cue' ' Seats on side at box ofrio, l-"''; K: . U a. in. to 10 p. in. daily .r"'11 Phone Wasatch 4240 I' I T A & inn 1 1 j 1 - Considerably Cooler Inside. j S TODAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY H j I Couldn't get near the place yesterday, eh? Well, try again today, jj; 1 1 jl 1 1 1 :34 N I'Mw fc'A ta'vvH h- ;v V j; Hie lnickerfedr iuckarN I An ABTCBAFT Picture 1 I Hang the Track! jj Go Ahead! Let's Go! jj R rp HAT 'S" Doug's" policy ! If the tracks "rouc on 1 I a bust" or if there's no steam Let's go anyway! A I "Damn the torpedoes; go aliead!" ll a "Doug" starts out to do something for somebody j I in "The Knickerbocker Buckaroo." j 1 Doing it takes him through rip-roaring Arizona, into devil-ridden Mexico, in and out! of a uoiircscap- able jail. ' j 1 You know! Fairbanks! And the story's as good as j 1 the best he ever had! n I PATHE NEWS 1 Have you heard Louis C. Meier on the organ? He puts pep 1 1 in pictures. You all know Edward P. Kimball and his orchestra. Mima i iii 111 1 1 ii 1 1 inn ii I mil in I mill ii hiiirn ill nni Mil in iiiiiin inn miiiiiiii , . ""c8tfe-:iCyl 0 PT'cTyw '." 1 " ' j "''Wm ;;:ioii!;'. VvSitS.f NOW . ' - v PLAYING ir XS'--";"'--'- Flnil Week o;:;vBi B Swtis Miss Fealy's ;.r:..ive E ncianenient ii I MAUDE FEALY-CRANE WILBUF ' In the International laurjhlnn hit, ,i "NEVER SAY DIE" !.J'L The funniest farce ever written " v .Malmrcs -Tlun-silny and Saturday '"''a-lt lOxira matinee hYMay (Dccoratloi tm I'rices Mrttinccs. l.",r to a:,c. r,(:K33SR?SSUlUlU. tiJB ULLtMVnatihlitMUB '' til fc--V:,.--..:.--.-.---;;,.MraJ .il:!iiri j NOW PLAYING :o win S: MILLER KENT it in "THE REAL I FIVE OTHER BIG ACTS ' j Three shows daily 2:45, 7:C0, 9; v;--;Je Afternoon prices 10c, lie, 2oc i:' 'n ! i Night prices 15c, "Zc, Cjc ''- ihe : ' , . 1 Mm A u4 H ' ' J i ff m wl- a yUU Lim If A u vy.r yLi pyMj (Where heat discomforts are unknown.) , ! 1 j TOMORROW WEDN ESDAY THURSDAY Ef 1 Screen's Greatest Emotional Actress ; f j NORMA TALMADGE in "THE NEW MOON" l" Story of men and women, aristocrats and peasants, freedom and bondage, love and laughter, hate and tei v ' j P i It's another Select Picture story by H. H. Van Loan. ?(-'J f TODAY LAST SHOWS Uih. BEAUTIFUL BESSIE BARRISCALE in "JOSSELYN'S WIFE I A big hit with Sunday audiences Miss Barriscale is superb in this play. f ' FATTY ARBUCKLE in "FATTY'S WILD NIGHT" s Get the biggest laugh of ycur life out of this. J'-j! !K3t j'.;. I ' TAX FREE ; Municipal bonds are exempt from 1 federal income tax. Next to govern-i govern-i mcnt bonds, they are the cleanest, safest form of investment. Allowing Allow-ing for taxes, they sometimes equal in"yiell a 7 per cent to 12 per cent taxalde security. i Ask for our list. j Bond Mortgage Gompajty ! Suite 412 Walker Bank Bldg. Liberty Bonds bought and sold for cash on basis j New York prices. j 1 SILT TKATRf fl TONIGHT j t Tues. and Wed, te Matinee Wednesday :r . r , hvl OTIS 'M il inHis Greatest Succtti m "im h Urn Wl FAMI1Y , .J-T" Prices Evenings I,. -! 50c to $2.00 "l l ' Matinee 50c to 1.S Cii Seats Now Ready SEAT SALE TOMOBRW MME. SCHUMANN-HEINE June i. Prices, 75c to ?2.50 -pins war tax BROADWAY)! I TODAY LAST TIMES TODAY Kl lESELYi BESBITl I in her latest sensation 'A FILLEI EDOL'i! I WM. DUNCAN and JOE RYAN d "THE MAN OF MIGHT" B j Coming Tomorrow and Wednesday h 1 Norma Talimadge i In her great success P "SOCIAL SECRETARY" j2 ; I TEXTBOOK OF 11 I WALL STREET lj Including 6 WM IP jiff History N. Y. Stock Ex- ''M change. 1 History N. Y. Curb. f M How these Markets Dif- W 'm fer. H Art of Speculation for Profits. ; Augmenting One's In- I How to Open an Account. Methods of Trading. & M Dictionary of Wall Street. m m HI Third Edition now m '-'A ready for Distribution J yK C?V tree upon request. jtSt' $0k INVESTMENT SECURITIES M '' pMif 20 Broad St. New York Mf , Telephone Rwtor 2101. ff0 fyfflmk WBECT PRIVATE MffiMW-, i mm- y'V-W0''' rhltodelDliU jfMff&m i LUKE COLLECTS Mia Bux'rwa au CJr. utah ' LUKE COLLECTS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the annual Ftoekholders' meeting of the Tar Baby I M ining company will be held at the of- fice of tho company. Ti2:i Atlas block. Salt i Lake City. Utah, on Monday. June 2. 1910. at the hour of 2 p. m.. for the purpose of eiecting officers and for such other business busi-ness as may properly come before the meeting. W. N. GUN DRY, Secrotarv. V3905 Always a pood Show Two Bi . : Pictures, h -- TODAY ' Constance Talmadg' I I in a story j "Who Cares?" ' EXTRA ATTRACTION Montagu Love ! :j in 'The Grouch, j Coming Tomorrow and Wednesds J Fourth Episode j, j "TIGERS TRAIL Serial. j Also that wonderful story ! I "TARZAN OF THE APEb LJ?V WEEK B j -y BEGINNING b P Nf' JUNE 1 U B Thomas Wilkes, bv arrangement H with A. H. Woods, presents .1 ; 8 MARJORIE RAMBEAU M "EYES OF YOUTH" S ! K First time off Broadway, with the K ' H wonderful star in the role she ere- j i K ated and made famous. H V Seats now selling, 'i'hose de.-irhig Bsrascin ii'serv.-u ions call box off!,:.; a ; Bat oner AS'a-;. o'Ji'.S. I'ri'-.--- -h't-y ' jj plus war tax. M'ail orders filled in ' 'ooki;, inana'j. r Wili-:, Th.'at-r. aS'S2i?u. r... I1ANU Mr.ft" I jj TODAY 'BILLIE RHODES I And all-star cast. In I "THE GIRL Or MY DREAMS" , Don't miss this picture. ' V hr.krn hou-e records y. horeve. sMo K The auto ace, dent is the mo ; tarn 1 H scene ever witrw.d l M " PATHE NEWS V f COMEDY-HAROLD LLOYD, I" j! "A WILD Lir-E 1 i"'--? i THE BRIGHTEST 1 ,''')8M SPGT IN TOWN !l ' sJer. -vfcsuiMciaiJ Hear Bob Roblson V ' V.'., and other stars of the Ace Revue sing ' TIl v777' tfle latest song hits . , and novelty num. '''--Sr-'t'wrtt bers. The New- i ?VSl house revue al- I vays sinns the j T ;li:''''ii--T,V pew songs first I i U-.;-. 'J in Salt Lake. j! A I I e n's J.-izz i i iCSvV 'i-r band plays for- J ' ' ',-;A' l-,' dancin'j. 7 ij i; - l : -ill 9:30 p. m.- 10 o. I -"-B'-jastr- m. to 12iJL,ilj Tribune Want Ads Fin!1 iii(iat(iititiiiitMiitiiitii",ltctl ii Don't Think jj a a a J because we don't advertise everything In construction machinery, c 0 highway equipment, earth-handling machinery, complete equipment a aa for concrete work, contractors' and builders' supplies, trucks, tractors, a trailers, etc., we don't have It. Call us up. :! wMTiitmiE it m m 9 J 141 TO 113 PIERPONT AVENUE f m tun LIBERTY BONDS (any issue) arc i-!int from ail taxt-s from January 1. ',,l'.. until G years a ft or termination of t'n war. in addition to the $.".Ouo originally original-ly exempt' d. I 'o you wonder they are h-'iim si c:u!iiy al.'soroofl by d iscrtmi na tl ng :n'"'stoi'.s? "e buy and sell thf-se bonds hi any ajrionnts on the lowest coniin;sWn la. -is of any security traded in. '. j. a. iseeiE & co. Si lt la k e ogden 109 Main St Eccles Bldg. |