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Show WDH1D WAR DEAD RIM OGDEN Buttons Presented Relatives at Gold Star Memorial Services. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, May 2r.0ne of the impressive features of the Gold Star memorial service serv-ice held by the Women of American Patriots Pa-triots at the Elks club this afternoon was the presentation by Mrs. J. U. EUlredge to the next of kin of the soldier boys who made the supreme sacrifice the small bronze button. The button is like that given to every man who has returned from service. The presentation of the buttons to twenty -three relatives of the forty-six homos of the city and county displaying gold stars followed the impressive services serv-ices that constituted the program. Mrs. G. Falck, president of the Women Wom-en of American Patriots, presided at tlie meeting. She announced that a check for $4(1 wa.s to be presented to the Soldiers, Sailors and Marines' club, by Mrs. Donald l1!. Rhivcrs, who had received the money from the officers unable t.o be present to-d:iy. to-d:iy. The money represents the nucleus of a fund which will be raised for the memorial in honor of the dead of the wax. Dr. Reinhold Kanzler spoko briefly upon the proposed memorial to the- men of the war. The Rsv. Godfrey Matthews made an address upon the war i nd the conse-o,ui;nccs. conse-o,ui;nccs. J-le said that in 1 P 1 0 he gave an address in his native country in which he .said he predicted a world war was impossible, im-possible, but in 1914 the outrage occurred and we oould ha rely believe the truth. Mrs. Eldreuge in presenting the buttons, paid thev were adopted by the Women of American Patriots as a means of showing the soldiers from the city and county the thought of those at home. The buttons are a tribute to the fighters from the mothers, wives, listers and sweethearts at home. |