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Show vcnl ion. Mr. K'ii:,ur -;iys this is an i i-do v;i 1 ion, ami w ill lie :i Vrcul aid at ll'" convcu-llon. convcu-llon. Tli" v-nij; v.il! 1... ncalU- i'-.ond, six incnilcrs In i upv -(aec mi a ia-c, and 1 he .!cmtii( ivc mai I cc , ill i.c up-1 up-1 1 n - i 1 1 Ihe picinrc 1'unnin- a two co'uphi l';,g''-. WORK ON DIRECTORY BEGUN BY ROTARIANS "Work lias bor;uu on a .Salt .akij Ko-tarian Ko-tarian directory to contain iiclurcs. names, addresses anil tlie business positions po-sitions occupied by 1 ho 1 ?U nn'inbers of tlie club. Aeconlini; to W'eslev IC. Kill);, who lias charge ot (he holographic holo-graphic work, every liotarian lias be- n asked to have a new piclure lak-n,! front view, so they can easilv be recognized recog-nized and reeled by iM. 'iiiiM. ;,,. tarians who will alli-nd the .lime" con- |