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Show SHERROD SITU IN GREAT FORM Flinger Achieves Shutout in First. Start After Return From France. JJATIOJfAL XEAGTTE. Won. Iot. Pol, New York 11 Hroolilrn 10 t Clnt'lnnntl IB Philadelphia 10 --2 I'lttnhiirg 11 18 .4.18 ('hlrxo It 1" '"58 noslon 14 .213 St. Loula 6 18 Yesterday's ftaaultt. At Now York flt. Iuls 1, N.w yr 0. At Brooklyn Pittsburg 0. llrook'.yn . Today' flohadule. Chlcflijo at Boston. Kt. Louis at Brooklyn. Pltlsbiiri) t Ni-t York. Cincinnati at mllhdalptala. BROOKLYN, May 55.SherriJ Smith of Brooklyn dilched his fimt irafn sine his retui-rt from overseas and shut out Pittsburg today, 6 to 0, with three hits. He had splendid control of his crossfire ball a.nd the Pirates hit few bills to the outfield. Konetchy had nineteen put-outs put-outs at fifflt base. PITTSBURG BllOOKr.Ytt. PlTTHhcnr:. I BitooKtrf. AB.R.H.O.A. Aft.n.H.O.A. niRbe,e;. 40140 Olson. 4 1 t 3 T Torry.su.. 4 0 0 4 3 Mnc2b. . 4 1118 Htencol.rf. 4 0 0 1 0 Griffith. tf. 4 110 0 Koutlirlh.lt 4 0 0 1 0 Whoat.lf.. 2 1110 (:tl)aw.2b 4 0 2 2 8 Myr,cf., 4 113 0 Mollwti.lh 8 0 0 0 1 Kntchy.Ib. M HO J ncx-ckol.Sb 8 0 0 8 2 Sohmndt.Sb 4 0 0 0 8 mvopner.c 8 0 0 0 2iKriliBr,C. 3 0 0 1 0 Hamlton.p 2 0 0 0 lHmllh.p... 8 0 10 4 Rvuns.p.,. 0 0 0 O 1 Baton.,. 1 0 0 0 0 Totals.. 81 0 3 24 12 Total.. .01 6 8 27 17 Batted for Hamilton la eighth. Score by Innings) Pittsburg 0 0 6 0 6 ft 0 0 00 Brooklyn .0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 5 Summary: Rrrorfc Blgbce, Cutshaw, Bweeney, Olson. Hchmandt, Rrrilth, Two-base hit Konetohy. Threo-bnse hlt-MyerS. . Sarflflce fit Konotchy. Uoiible play Bmlth. Olson and Konelphy. Ijeft on bases Plttsblire. 4: firook-Ivn, firook-Ivn, fi. first base on errors Pit tsbitrg, 2; Brooklyn, 3. Base on ball Off Hamilton, 2. Hits Off Hamilton, I In 7 Inning: off Brans, 1 in 1 inning. Blruclt otit By Hrhth, 1. Winning: Win-ning: pUcJier Smith, Losing pitcher Hamlltoh. |