Show FIGURES TELL WHY OF H. H C. C L L. All Mi Farm Commodities Are Higher This Year o G Except Meats l I Reasons why tho the cost of or living c continues con m to remain at the tue high mark are apparently shown in the estimated values of commodities which are produced produced produced pro pro- on the tho farms of or tho the state said M. M M. M I. I tustin Justin agent abent of or tho the bureau of ot crop estimates yesterday esterday Hero here are some somo figures that have nae Just been compiled compiled com corn piled by the bureau that tell their own ownS S stor story I ory Grains potatoes butter e eggs s and poultry on January 1 were much higher than on January 1 ono one year ear ago while there is great decrease In tho the price of oC ofin in meats eats As s sal said the tue figures tell tho story The Tho compilation shows that on January 1 wheat In iii Utah was sas worth 22 i a bushel compared with January 1 I 1919 corn 01 an increase over last year car of ot 1 cent oats as against 89 cents in 1919 barley an nn Increase of ot 11 cents over last year while ryo rye was worth 33 as compared with a year ago Potatoes are aro quoted at a a. bushel compared with 76 70 cents January 1 1919 an an increase of or a a. bushel Hay In is given hen a n value of or 2160 per er ton compared compared com corn pared with 1810 one year ear ago o. Duller Cutter is is' is given a market value of or 63 cents as a against 53 one ono year lear ear ago eggs are aro 71 cents compared with 56 6 on January 1 I 1919 and amid chickens aro are quoted at nt 23 cents per pound compared to last Jast year Tho rho figures on livo 11 stock arc given as of December 15 1919 and In Utah thc they were Hogs per pounds 1250 as compared with 1470 a year pre pro previous previous cattle 7 10 compared with on tho tue same samo date in Imi InS veal eal 11 11 as against 1360 mutton 7 while In 1918 1915 It t was 9 lambs 1060 compared with In 1918 1 12 10 IO |