Show c cI I Ii Ii i i I I e 3 Ids J H KIMBALL i I ht s t tI 4 M 4 h. h aH aHA I A 4 T U UM ft IQ I PIAN OS Ha Have v you considered the exec excellence excel lence once o of the Kimball an and that V Vonce your home will be e greatly enrice enriched en en- riched rice in its possession The Kimball a is world renowned an and has as receive received highest 4 honors from the great International Expositions Y A A A Kimball Player Pianos Combine the merits o of the regular t pianos in to tone action an and design a with the added facility o of a a. a perfected per er- er player mechanism t. t All AU members o of the family are therefore musicians at will an and may indulge th their ir individual al pre preferences in In music musIc Every component part is made in in the Kimball factories Prices are so moderate an and satisfactory Kimball satisfactory Kimball Upright Pianos in various models Kimball Pianos havo have been popular in Utah for tor nearly half halt a a. con cen tury fury They are morp more widely distributed d throughout tho the state than a any other mako make Splendid either cither for homes o or r for public halls o I ROBINSON BROTHERS MUSIC L COMPANY COMPANI I ZO 1 sale Sait Lake j 43 36 36 6 South Stale S Sf G Gr Provo Prop 0 r a. a I v y C ti Buy uy at t ta the Factory p J JI I tI Better Better Goods GoodsN N For Loss less Money I 1 if If i f l 1 j nt 1 r r. r These Specials Are For 1 Monday and Tuesday ONLY 9 but u you can do heifer all the time by dealing fro ee with the e B iL er Misses' Misses Wool Unions in Ili white All Mens Men's Unions in wool or of wool mixed mixed- inn ing ill in l all sizes Up to fife g g Choice di Il iz t Off Boys' Boys Unions in a very All Wool Blankets Extra Blankets Extra Ladies Ladies' Pure Thread weight 5 lbs Ibs made from Silk Hose in black fine quality s spring rig or q 1 the tha finest yarns yams money new can buy brown bbrown and gray full fuli winter weight Regular all colors in large blo block k plaids fashioned some somo drop drop- Our regular price Inic e 2000 2000 Sale stitch in the lot worth 1 1 S Sale a e p price rice rice- I Price Price Price- rIce rIce- up t to 3 00 S Sale a 1 C I Price nee 1375 Childrens Children's Cotton Hose Hose ln In black or COTTON SHEET BLANKETS BLANKETS- BLANKETS In In gray white hoarse coarse or fine line ribbed such brands brands' or t tan an 1 extra t ra f. f fine gra grade d 0 con contains t aIDS over as hs LS n Bear ear D Brand ran r on d or 11 ose an and d Satisfaction Satisfaction S a t. t IS action ac- ac tion Hose I Sizes Sizes' up J eight yards cards j S to S S. S 3 C Special 2 II e 25 i f t l li 1 tl r I 4 n i 1 r 4 I iV p i ift ft c Jo tI t l. l I S S. a STATE ST ST. t. t i J t t r i- i i I a 1 I 7 t tA ta I WINTER DEMANDS a A SPECIALS MONDAY Prevent Colds an and Influenza Use Antiseptic WE RECO I 1 For Combating b Germs KLENZO LENZO Z e Liquid Antiseptic seC A Germicide and Antiseptic T is i Valuable Valuably in Treatment of a u Coughs and nd Colds to to to H 93 C CB B B. B B. B Hot Water Ear nd Ulcer Aspirin Lotto lb I Bottle Syringe Tablets to lac I Fever Nasal a 2 Tall Cans House Housa Thermometer Douche Sego Milk Thermometer to to Me SPECIALS SPECIALS-Il REDUCED DUC n PRICES r Paste Listerine o- o Tooth Oil GOo l Coc Cocoanut 5 u ro Oc e Li Listerine S t ern 1 0 42 v h 5 c G Glyco l 1 1110 53 C t t Listerine GlYCO Gl Glyco 1 L De Dc Prees Pree's Fumigators 3 Natures Nature's goa Sloan's Sloans r Liniment 2 oc v Ic Denver Mud ud A l c Tooth loof r JOc Denver Mud Williams 1 Holder Top Ponds Pond's Extract Detract Sha Shaving ying g Stick r Soap G r I l s v A r JOo Mentho Lalone c ine GOc Tablets JOe Peroxide Is 18 DRUGS DRUGS AND SERVICE r rHugo rY Druehl Drug Co Y Hugo W W. Druehl Manager e t 1 t |