Show M MO N NTH I U 4 BEFORE rOAE ib Mr Will ill Start Training 1 larch arch l 1 Manager alain J Jo Johnson inson Himself in A 1 e ports ores Shape l 1 Jape lape Go GoTE Good e Ahead i I 1 t II 0 IKE NE TE more month I On March 1 spring will ha hate hae e e dally aUr come Mind Bind not what erudite weather prod prognosticator 6 you you Jou of oC the seasons spring will nith ith us liS when the first call is is is- is at the Salt Lake 1 for n mobilization on ing g camp at Boise fOle Springs Spring'S Cal t Month mill nd ind ram rain frost and possibly f ill c ha Lave no effect on the falL lau fan Lc L peruses ruses leis his s latest from Bee Beem m If i training dope wayer ager Ernie Johnson Is now work work- jut ut and nd expects to be e in prImo conn con- con n when Iho camp tamp opens Contracts coming Doming in in and everything e Is mox- mox j i according to President J t am I Lane ne I ml i e local Joeal mogul expects to so go o to tho k himself for the last ten da days s 's of ot I kin in ing go returning to Salt Lake with I t tram m to tn o oi open n th the tho season seison r fv t f 1 Up UJ is bile visiting biting around Los Angeles other day William McCarthy our kt recent president of or the Pacific st league expressed an opinion that ald be e a a. matter maller of oC a few years cars Ul 1 the Coast loop would be bo a regular league affair i long Ion 1018 as he ho is Js connected with the in the capacity o. of oC president ent rill Ill be be McCarthy's McCarthys aim to bu build lid up ups s until it ranks right with the National and American U. U first e bl big step toward this goal t tai taken ken en wb when n tho the draft was ri It Is impossible for tor big show M to to grab rab of off the stars out here unI un- un I the magnates manatt's are willing to part them It Il has long Jon been a well- well fact that ball ban players capable of I I lag good in hJ the ta tall timber wi will ill I i ra iI leal at the gate In this lea league Jo more their sale saJe I would bring from an any I league club I f a cinch that Howard Ehmke c of I r p Detroit TIgers T or Hollocher of oC the ft i or Claude Clauce Williams or 01 Buck Duck Err of he the White Sox Sox- or I th the R fled d would bring jn In n more moro a at t P p r C L L u. sates ales la to one season than former ormer owners received i In n cashs cash the I Present owners owner s of oC these athOn athOn ath- ath I 1 On eh et ct Ith the growth of or tho Coast circuit prosperous rous tines there thero Is no Flues Flues- lt what In a few Cew years rs the mag- mag ppl be operating not lot on velvet ot Thc They 3 find It players necessary to sell scH thief their to the filler Jea leaSes leagues it Il C y s 's opinion that the clubs ire be by by Ii 19 IMS able abe to pa pay bl bS big sal i a aLoon a- a Loon as the y y he players Coast oWners are rc abl Jc a tit be larger Jarger Salaries tho the theta thoo e ta nt the Ibe Coast content to sta stay here At league Je has Nation a n al circuit or of o ion well over O J two and aud a half hal people t l The Th tl e Mato ha J i behind Lt Vernon Velnon and Los Lo An 6 1 n t O th len eat a city of or ofa The can 1 Oaks Onks and Sealed Seale wIth It ha d U a as per r- r tI titles tits many ny more In lr the e nearby 3 I t h HI HIMan Man lion fu Is IB a a n bl l fine lines fASman big man a and nd Plans He Fie h has as th the i I Jas hearty earty or all t th eo co- co e owners Under his Ma Mar rater r p V It t Would not surprise f th the e P C C. L L. f fB Ins to 0 the e big bib li should b branch anch show how class Ok It over V f ro 1 h re a and few ure CIS-ure of the e le ers dent ent Bont k e would what k kind o of or have o on the today loday if Ir the they had coast tike There would be u Iee Cl a e It It us tl Truck ruck Within Williams ms lIann 1 Duffy Durey thin n. n Buck n OrE Shin i. i Love Fred ti l i 15 We Wea er Dutch s Harrr Pe Pep l' l 1 loon Suede Oscar of fd it t Do Dave Doe e Chick Ehmke mk Joe y eICEle y Allan MI lan Gedeon Toll Tobin In ebb Bobby y r Groom r. r Sothoron Bill BUI Y J of Oh Ed Bd E tI il JOhB Olson Johnny N Orman I gs Phil Doug Doug- Dougl itY l t others |