Show I Wells Ward Plans New Building F. F D. D BOTHAM of the Yells Wells ward displaying illg prospective plans lie Hie now new ward B BISHOP in ing house left len half of tile the building is to be he time the amusement hall hail while the tho right is the lie war ward chapel h 0 t o Pt A. A S j I L 1 S 'S SI s d oJ I ft I I ic z i fl i. i Most 1 Complete and the Up-lo-the- Minute Up Church Will Be Added L. L D. D S. S Accomplishments With Com Coni- Completion pIe Lion of Wells ells Ward Tard Meeting House O aXE OXE NE of the unique complete and mul to the churches ever or built will be bo added to the L. L D. D S. S church with the completion of the new Wells Yells ward edifice at Fifth East Enst and Hollywood avenue according to Bishop F. F D D. D Combining amusement with church work it is planned to make mako the building the tile social and anel educational as well as the spiritual center of the community community- Rutherford Ashton tho ho architects pr predict that tho the left half haIr of or tho the structure structure structure ture which Is to be bo the amu amusement hall hail of or the war ward will win be bo be completed b by March 14 H when the first conference will be bo held Work ork on the he chapel at atthe tho the right will win be bo begun as soon as the thc for Cor tho the amusement hall hail has been paid r Ho Co Cost Cod t I II Fm Apportioned Half Halt the tho cost of the building will vIll he be paid from front the general church fund Cund while tho other half haIr will be bo raised through popular subscription among the Ilie ward members Ten thousand dollars dollars dol dot lars tars o of this latter amount has already ahead S been raised and It Js is s expected that the remainder will bo be subscribed during tho the next few months Tho The chapel will willbo willbe bo be erected at a cost o of OOOO Special features of or the amusement hall hail will be he twelve twel large classrooms a largo large stage and dance hall in which it is planned to install a motion picture pie pic ture turo machine All windows will be glazed and stained with biblical fig fig- mires ures In the rear of or the tho building a large balcony balcon will bo erected which will bo be shaded b by numerous large appie ap apple apple ap- ap pie trees This balcony balcon points OU out t tIr AIr Mr Ir Hig will make malco It possible possible ble tile to hold outdoor services during the tho hot months The Tho chapel will willbe willbe willbe be so go constructed that an additional balcony can be Installed to accommodate accommodate date about people should the growth goro of the tho ward warel warrant it c Occupied The ground round for tho the hall ball was broken broleen last October When hen completed the building will occupy a n frontage onta e on Fifth East of oC feet reel and on Holl Holly Hollywood wood wool avenue a frontage of I O feet The ward according to Bishop lUg Illg- has been organized less than two years and yet et the thc membership member ship has grown to more than 1100 peo plo pie Under the thc direction of or Moroni Heiner as chairman of or the building and finance committee tho the plan was greeted with instant approval and financial fI- fI support by ward members Lewis W. W Yo Larsen and William 1 are counselors to Bishop gen Bis-gen- bo botham t 11 am |