Show CLUB u r OL YES PROBLEM OF OFf f HOME LOVING GIRLS IJ By S r Rex I Itte i CTr lit the lie international 1 tor or ti tte ea Many lanY a 1 fair tr York Jan the oW o of or I ai lilts is bY homo home and estern d r rn or upstate dreams of or the possibilities that await I hor in the big biff cit city of or New e York She SheI Sheat Sheat at t times doubts her ability to conquer I tho enormous enormous town In a n. business way Nay Nayor wo I or thinks her talents will win not be ap ap- But after arfer all there is astill a n. still greater heater obstacle in her path than titan those sho nho ho usually considers I She will discover after aCtor a n. few a-few few weeks hero that writing the great Ireat American I novel or oz Illustrating the tho book hook some som someone 1 ono one else elso has written or yet et becoming tho the tho greatest l. l emotional actress way ever sobbed over 01 arc childs child's play compared COmI with tho the difficulty of ot findIng finding find find- ing a roof under Which to lay her het head weary I I That Is unless she 1 he ho fortunate fortunato enough to get acquainted with the tho Girls Girls' Community club which is under un un- der r tho the wing lying of oC tho the association to promote proper housing for or girls This will save her many head aches Reduces n Lh u Co Cost Cont Conti t I Sho Sato will find find i that she can get net a room at nt moderate moderato cost a room that has the tho necessary attributes attributes' of oC space space ce light comfort and cleanliness and a n. r restaurant w where hero meals aro are cooked I with nourishment and flavor both hoth In view also ulso a n. place In which to enter enter- tarn tain men callerS and callers and hotter still stUl chap cosy c v I kitchenette to prepare prepare the tho mid midnight mill mill- I night meal an and a dainty table on which I to servo It Sho need no longer lonser fear tho haughty haught hotel clerk who states almost with pleasure uuro It would seem that there are no rooms available perhaps n perhaps nl next t tI I week seek a nice little suito at tit 1750 l O a day Gay daynor nor need she shrink from tho typical lu landlady who doesn't like lIko young 1 dIetS adieu about with all an their c and laundr laun laun- drying dr ln and up UJ late and Rud burn- burn In gas sas gas But nut the tho Girls' Girls Community club seems scorns to have eliminated for fot a a- girl every crY bad feature of living in a n It crowded city and it has hns many pleasant privileges 1 Tho ho address Is 10 E E. Thirtieth street that street that Is the number at tho the en entrance entrance en- en trance but there thero aro three red brick houses houes in all The first floors arc thrown Into one with connecting connecting- halls and nd havo have a smiling friendly r appear appear- appearance ance an co with their pale pae painted furniture In In greens greens I ens and rays grays I with English t tl l and mul cretonnes and little red writing willing desks tucked away hi in cornera t I Plenty of or it lt a piles of or magazines well chosen prints and seated deep Seated ent d Chairs of make mako for fot the he tho the club aro are tho features blo bo at first glance h lee I After t r meeting me Miss Il Cornelia E. E Marshall Marshall Mar Mar- shall who is fa president of oC the tho association lion tion v. which the club Is connected wo c on a sight seeing tour with Miss E. E R. R T T. 1 Tompkins director of or tho the Girls' Girls Community club I IJ have tw twenty seven girls living I here said Miss lIss Tompkins and many members who w live In tho neighborhood I They of or cour course e have tho the privilege of or using tho the clubrooms Thoro There are aro no rules Twel Twelve e o'clock Is the closing nour for tho the house and rind up to that the house Is brightly lighted and a chaperon is present I t I I I I When the thc the girl girls girl must be out later the they take their latch keys Few w girls stay ou out t lato late too often otten lion hoc er ever Since all tho the house members I o a voice oleo in the tho gov governing of ot it and ami are proud of a good standard any girl Ctrl who might detract from that ideal would find herself unpopular and probably I be asked ed to leave cave In The Tho realm of upstairs had been reached and all the rooms room actually had Plenty of or light and space space miracle In Manhattan More loro wicker and pale wood furniture and flowered s sand and The T 3 basement houses tho the cafeteria A huge red brick fireplace is a cozy feature lu cf and there are arc yellow shad shades s with black silhouettes Mrs Robert nobert Townsend presides here hern and In n front of or her desk Is ail an an outlay of oC made home candies candles and d crullers rs to top of ot a meal Hero Is Js something something- that tho the girls love loye said Miss Tompkins as we came Into luto J a a Un tiny tny kitchenette and pantry The The members are allowed to bring I In callers In hi tho the evening and prepare I lato late suppers and we havo have a special corner with a table for that purpose They have lots of or fun h here re I Tho Iho house Is nonsectarian open to all when w we ha have vo room The bureau of oC boarding houses In existence about eight years jears years is 18 connected connect connect- ed cd with the association to promote proper housing for girls whoso whose existence exist exist- ence antedates it by several years Ita It j I 13 is a clearing house for tot all organized I rooming houses Lists of rooms ar arand are kept and applications for them arc are received I |