Show ONE WEEK LEFT S. S TO WHIP FIVE IN CONDITION I Utah Coach Faces Hard Task f in ill lit Preparing S Sis Squad quad is 6 li for TO TOMMY DY FITZPATRICK la is laJ J COACH haying his trouble at tho the r- r sl sity Thursday night rolled around with all the semblance lance of or a a. nice spring day dar and when Tommy called his bas basS basketball men together he could count them on his left lert hand without using his thumb for lor practice on Four our men reported the absentees beIns beinS' beinS beng be- be this night most of or account of or Illness Ins inS' ng excused on while other Individual stars Just stayed aw away because the they didn't feel like practicing pra practicing that night The s-ame s game gamo aga against the Lehl Lehi American I. I Legion glon quintet last Tuesday night would Indicate that the tho needed Just as much players practice as the they could possibly crowd d in before beCore the Aggio game Kame on February February Feb Feb- 7 Especially Is this evident ent after a 0 comparison of or the results of ot the Lehl Lehi Legion team and the thc B ll Y U L Li Ud 0 d i U TT- TT i R er art sIt of nt nf Tt h Utah quintet er an u v. v n y yIn v. v J In n t the Ja hope Ol I The Brigham Young Youns- university five defeated the b by the ont ono sided aided score ecore of ot 47 Ii to IS while tho university uni un- five n were able to emerge on top with the slight margin of ot a single point Although Coach Roberts Robert's five fivel At l the tho B. B Y U U. U Is crippled at Jt present by the sickness of ot several eral stars by bythe bye the time they run up against Coach I Fitzpatrick's waxed floor wonders the they will twill bo be In fine condition and und It ItIs ItIs itIs Is more than l e evident e ent that n order to hold their own the university men will have e to get down to serious conditioning conditioning con con- and forget all about past laurels The Crimson Crimson and c mentor has the making of or one of oC the fastest fives that the Un University I of or Utah h has lias s ever turned out If Ir the men will only get inand inand in inand and dig The will t fe le c pitted against the strongest fives thes that either cither the B B. B Y 1 U. U or the A A. C. C have had Ic durIne during during dur dur- five live and I If ing Ine- the past st four tour or years thc they emerge on top In the tho basketball race rac It will be lie because because because be be- cause thc they put In some somo hard licks and played as asa a a unit instead of or as five Individual In stars Fh Pie Not Weakened That the tho first five were not weakened weakened weakened weak weak- ened by the necessity of or a substitution substitution tion was proven In the tho Lehl Lehi game gam when r Cutler Culler wa was forced to retire on account of or a a. slight plight injury and Mart Harris took his lis place The Tile team e even en n went Taster faster after the substitution than berc be- be C re rc and it It was Wa during the tho PC period that these these men were changed that Ut Utah h performed her most effective o pIa play Utah has the advantage ad this this' year ecu In being able to lo play her first game with the Aggles In the local gymnasium ium They The should be able to take Luke the first game Jume and then will wUl have s cral more weeks we to round Into inlo shape before they encounter counter tho tiro In th the Smart gymnasium for Cor their final game gme Utah's schedule rends as follows V J l February 7 V. U. U. U of oi U. U IIA A A C. C U U- at nt Snit Sait take Lake 14 V. U. U. U of or U. U N is II Y 1 U. U at nt l Prove o. roo f SS S 11 1 V. V Mt rs U. U J of U. U nt Snit Salt Lake kC O V. U. U. U of or L G. G ss A. A C. C L. L a II al I Joan |