Show CASINO CASINg I NEW BILL TODAY Size She thought her 1 husband hiss hus band bUild dead But his return returns created the most gripping 0 of screen situations How HOlO did she meet it rt i WILLIAM 1 TOT LOX I Madlaine ii I i I Traverse i IS WHAT WOULD YOU DO In conjunction Frith It the lir hf regular I six nil net of ot VAUDEVILLE Continuous today 1215 to 11 p pp p. p m AD ADMISSION Matinees kiddies Matinees tOe lOc Adults COc Oc except Sun Sundays ar and holidays i A All Scats Seats lOc oi i t r More Than a a Theatre 1 A Salt t alt Lake Institution AND D TOMORROW CORD E GRIFFITH and M COSTILLO in inHuman inHuman t Human Collateral IY ALT ALL LIT UP RL Jl r 1 1 I 1 r EMPRESS Four Folli Da Days C Com Coin 7 Today ocla rl ConIC Come Early AM Jesse Yere WALLACE REID DOUBLE SPEED e He left New York York York-a a millionaire mil mU- motorist He reached Los Angeles Angeles- a a. tramp Then he disappeared became a a. chauffeur Was WM pinched as a a. I crook loved crook loved like a gentleman Married like a flash flash-b flash a. a racing romance that runs on love I IWanda Wanda Hawley Theodore Roberts Tully Marshall and many others in the cast I 1 I I I I Y v I IY rt rc r 1 c 1 r 1 r Also Also Burton Burton Holmes Travels Comic Cartoon Paramount Magazine I w En Every Even 17 sight McM Elc Except pt Monday f e nod nad Tu Tuesday Matinees b begin Thursday 6 i- i LAST TIMES TODAY Y 0 o HYAMS McINTYRE C In n Yodel Model Tin IID j let Maybloom bloom U En A. A JACKSON sot C HOWARD'S HOWARDS SPECTACLE CLE ERNEST EVANS GIRLS 1 rrell Presenting nUnar a Smart Dh ment of e e CI O TIn ct I a l Extraordinary the Eternal 6 Feminine I resented by MARSHALL GRACE MONTGOMERY D Dt DEMUR DE MAR t nets irr le lf Sc 2 Se 50 0 c. c E E H 1 loo oc r SOc Tc ic 31 91 I COMING THIS WEEK cB FORD SISTERS I 1 1 1 I FROLICS OF 1920 1 i I e WITH THEIR OWN JAZZ tit ORCHESTRA OF SEVEN PIECES I GRANVILLE BARKER Famous British Dramatist In Three Lecture Assembly HaIl l Hall Tabernacle Block I Friday I Feb Fth b. b 0 II n. at It p. p m. m mi mt I The Only Possible Theatre Feb Feh 0 at 1 p p. mi mt The Artist as a Vital Member of the Community Feb 7 nt at 10 0 p p. p mgr mi Producing a Play Auspices University of Utah Bureau Burean of Lectures and Entertain- Entertain went ment Admission Admon GOC bOe 1 I t. t 1 F SALT LAKE MON a IO J. J 1 TT TUES l. l TES WED TiD J FEB riJn LJ 2 3 f I POPULAR Ut MATINEE LD Y i s THE LINGERIE FARCE KEPT NY LAUGHING FOR EIGHT MONTHS f WOODS A.M.-WOODS Presents f ft I t Y I l y i 1 1 4 I POSITIVELY NEW XE YORK NIghts ZOc lie r I I O O. O 00 AVed ed cd JInt PRODUCTION c c. c sIzo I NE NEXT 1 ATTRACTION t FEBRUARY 5 56 6 M. SATURDAY a STUART RT WALKER f Ay presents j r BOOTH 9 je r s fJ of A l LOVE OVEd and J E WITH I 7 r THE F NEW Y yORI oRK I t 7 COMPANY Nr t MONTHS rl v IN NEW hEW t ORK I rf cestI Evening COc GOe to 00 Matinee LOe Oc to plea pIa tax taz r Mall orders now norr Seat stile male Tuesday Feb 3 3 Y Ya a s S Sk k UNIT ONE WEEK NOW PLAYING ONE WEE O Overture FIRST FIRST UIo UNIT T PROGRAM 1020 IDO THE WOOD OF OP FAIR PAIR WATER An of the Achievement ement of the Marines Marine at t Belleau Wood Elegie TilE THE LAST ST FALSE GODS 1 A Screen Version of or E E. Lloyd Sheldons Sheldon's Po Powerful Drama EPIGRAMS A IS V THOUGHT OF OP EQUITY WILD FLOWERS 1 A X New w Idea George V Y He bart Comedy Corned THE rilE QUALITY E I IE T OF 01 TIll THE SCREEN In addition to It Its rc regular program THE GEM GEU THEATRE present during the T e beginning Saturday January 31 11 31 morlat pictures of or the MEMORIAL f. J SEll ER VICES ICES FOR TilE THE FOURTEEN X DF DE DEPARTED PARTED 01 OF THE TilE FIRST 1 UTAH REGIMENT AT CAMP DESOUGe H. J. J FR CE Positively the first time this picture has hai been shown n In 1 I II I c TELEPHONE V WASATCH 2221 OPENING TONIGHT A Year of Laughs in Two Hours Are Created in inThe ine The e n Bride BrideI I I Featuring r rI I RALPH J IJ I And a Competent nt Supporting Cast THE FUNNIEST THING IN SALT LAKE Pricer i.- i. e Ur k i. i and mill Oi ie ic to ie bOxer bOl I I I T I II I II I I NOW PLAYING Harry Girard and Company In InThe InThe The Luck of a Totem Five other big features Three shows ho dally t. t rm Dt Price Prices Mat LOe Oc and anil JOe Nighta JOc Oe Oe WANTED Local talent to appear in motion pictures Experience unnecessary I sary ar Apply Appy Jos Joa Maddern Pantages Pantages Pan- Pan Theatre afternoons 30 tc 4 40 O eveninGs e to 1 3 DAYS BE GINNING BEGINNING TODA J. J WARREN I KER sIGAN SAN I IX IN LIVE SPAR of T r SD m Oil fl Act Acil j I I iv Ith Uh Cro ft A 4 Comedy Drawn S P h FIlI I EPISODE t i BOU BOUND OU D D AND AAD GAGGED r |