Show PIONEER SETTLER SETLER IS DEAD AT PROVO y Herald 1 Spec Special It Ml Provo Pro Jan 31 EI Eliza Eliza a Ann Sperry Si S-I one of or the lie pioneer setler settlers of Provo died at the Ute home borne of or her daughter Mrs J J. J W. W howe Howo o of th the Provo Fifth ward at nt noon torla today of or old age aAe Mrs hs h's S Sperry perry was as a ji native of or Iowa Shu SItu came caine to Utah In Iii IS 1851 I 1 settling In Provo where IH ra she the has since made macIc her home She Re was WAg a faithful mem member maro r of lie thu L L. L D. D S. S church antI Wand and for man many years cars took an part In church affairs I I Sho She is survived urI ed b by tho the following children chil chil- chiI chi chi- I dren lr m Mrs r W. W Yo y Howe Mrs Irs John E B I Lewis Mrs H H. H E E. Owen and Elbert Bibert I 1 I Sperry all al of oC this city rime Tho time and amid I place of the lie funeral lies has not yet ct been en I set ret fel |