Show KA ALL FOR RECREATION Residents Favor Playground Made by hy Suggestions Professor ProCessor Hf raid S Special Jan Jun 31 t At At a recent m meetIng meetIng meet meet- ct- ct In Ing of or the Teachers Parent association at tho the grade school building Professor Griffith of or the thc University of J Utah Utah lender leader o of ot recreation renter center work for tor the thc state set seL forth the tho advantages or of the movement movement- Professor Griffith pointed out the su superior superior su- su u perlor advantages in for s 's for such a n center Ho lip called attention to the old school building now dC deserted end explained how at nt a small cost a gymnasium and swimming pool might lm hR Installed and fitted up for fOl the u use c cor of or the children of or th the school district He lie was particularly pleased with the grove of or trees on tho the school campus campusand campusand campusand and said It was as an Ideal place for or swings slide chutes sand piles p and other amusement features Tho The vacant I land Jand north of oC the tho building ho pointed out could b bo fashioned into a modern athletic field After fter discussion tho following committee committee com corn was appointed to tako take tho the malter matter matter mat mal M. M r. r W W. ter up Ul with the elt city council Jr and Mes- Mes cs- cs Phillips I II H. J. J Sheffield lames dames John W. W and Nathan athan Reeves This committee met with the tho thoI I I The rhe cIt city council at al its last lait meeting I Impressed l I council was so favorably a that Councilmen Hyde Hydo and lull Muir were cru added to t the hc original original committee I |