Show r f Ii I- I i I SMOOT SHOWS GIGANTiC BOOK T i lt ri TO U. U S. S SENA IE IEt t ts' ts t t. Shows That Pact Speeches i rot Form FOrIll m Volume V as Large as Bushel Basket It Tho waste of oC Washington Washington Jan 31 The Tho white by government depart depart- itu paper attack tolay tol to- to came in for Cor another Republican Republican Re- Re l lay Y In t the Senate Senator S Smoot Utah opened the discussion publican and that the tho Senates Senate's skirts i d to prove pro I y pre not quito clear he lugged into volume tho the sizo Ize of or a the the chamber a bushel basket baskot with tho explanation of the that It was a compilation speeches spee hes already ul made In th the Senate and printed in inthe inthe on the tho peace treaty treat the Ute Congressional Record conf con- con Tho The book boole said Bald Senator Smoot f rf tallied moro morn than words Ho i I added e-d e ii that t ho hO had started to articles relating to also the separate i 1110 treaty treat which had been Inserted toll m to ll ci records s but bu t had given I en up because could not it he hc found such a lL collection be b brought together in an any reasonable reason reason- able number of ot books i. i Wicked ll Waste n e Denounced I- I senator Smoot attacked government departments for what ho characterized II I as a wicked waste of ot paper and an- an that ho would have ve soon a no how tabulated statement showing Just many many tons had een b-een used by each de- de Senator Sherman Republican 1111 d departmental mail had be bc nois said salt como como a no pest even e to country countr newspaper I per editors the knights of 01 scissors and paste pot adding they get set so much Hof It they arc are unable to open it with with- dut 3 tho the aid of or private secretaries 7 Senator Nelson Republican tinne- tinne fa remarked that tho newspapers newspaper I had no rl right ht to complain of ot tho the white j i paper paper shortage o when they devoted two three lIall dally to publication of or or pages paes sporting news Tho The newspapers ought to eliminate I their news and arid I im nm sure SUN wo we all get el along alone alon better ho sa said id |