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Show ----- i r"; l iN'p;gbortiood News j, James W. Cherry is in Salt L;,ke on business this week. ' . Oxfords- Oxfords Buy them now for less than half price at the Sanpete and get a full seasons wea out of the same, Great Bargain, Erma Christensen daughter of Chas. Christensen who was operated operat-ed upon for appendicitis two weeks ago at the Winters Hospital, isdoine nicelv and will be able to return ti iier home in a few days. Dr. Ross Anderson was in Ml. Pleasant two days during the week attending to business. He will return to Salt Lake Friday in his automo-mobile automo-mobile if the weather permits. Dr. Anderson has taken up his Profes:-ional Profes:-ional work in Salt Lake. He has rented a suit of rooms in the Kearns building and is now located permant-ly permant-ly in that city. Mrs. Ed Longly returned to her home in Mammoth after a ten days visit with her mother, Mis. A. P. Omenn. Look at the mens and boys pure-wash pure-wash suits at the Progress. Lost A sheep just sheared, Return Re-turn to Vern Gudrson. reward. Mrs. Roy Nielson of Clear Creek is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Averett. If you want your order delivered at once Phone the Progress. Louis Peterson is home from Salt Lake where he is attending the U. of U. He came to visit with his sisters, Sena and Mary before they depart for Arizona. Mr. Peterson will complete his course at the University Uni-versity this year. Ladies and childrens straw hats, nice lot at the Progress. P. P. Flindmarsh of the Wm. M. Roylance Company of Provo, was in this city Wednesday and Tnursday and secured an order for a car load of honey cans from the Mount Pleasant Pleas-ant Reekeepers Association. This means a good prospect for the honey-business honey-business this coming season. Our Rugs, and Linoleum have arrived. ar-rived. See our advertisment in this issue for unheard of prices at the Sanpete. The members of the W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Dr. W. P. Winters, Friday, April 19th. The best line of mens arib! boys outings and dress shirts we have ever had. Boys shirts 15c and up. mens shirts 38c ard up. at Sanpete. N. S, Nielson has been in this city for a few days, returning ta Salt Lake Thursday. ' Garden seeds that gtow are to be had at the Progress. Paint now. Buy it at the Sanpete S. W. Paint is the only Paint. Mrs. Bi igham Farnworth is very ill will erysipelas and rheumatism, has been confined to her bed for about two ;weeks. Judge Ferdinand Eiicksen while in Salt Lake during1 the busy conference confer-ence week while, getting off the street car had the misfortune of slipping and falling on the pavement which has caused him considerable pain and is now confined to his bed. Our specials on Saturday are good ones. Quality Market. Mrs.G. H. Moore of Nevada has been visiting with Mrs. A. Wilcox during the past week and left for Salt Lake Tuesday. If something to sell call on us we want to buy, Quality Market For Rheumatism you will find nothing no-thing better tnan Chamberlain's liniment. lini-ment. Try it and see how quickly it gives relief. For sale by All Dealers, A pair of Buckskin gloves found Owner please call at this office. Hiley Seely came ' down from Idaho to visit for a few days. |