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Show ii! v ? i t airview Mrs. Lily Poulsen of Salt Lake is visiting with friends and relatives in Fairview this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Epperson of Provo are spend'ng the week with ; Mrs. Epperson's parents, i Mrs. Leota Turpin is spending the week with her daughter Mrs. Arthur B ihne, in Garfield. i A very pleasant surprise was 1 tendered.Howard Rigby last Thursday Thurs-day evening by his Sunday school class. They met at the school house at 7:30 oclock. A nice program was carried out games played and dainty refreshments served. He was given a set of six of the leading church books. He left Monday for his Mission. Miss Lucile Madsen, Miss Flossie Anderson, and Miss Verda Cheney of Provo are visiting friends in Fair , view. Mr. Perry Stevens of Montpelier ' Idaho is visiting parents and friends i here, having been called home to actend the funeral of his sister the I late Mrs. Jacob Haven of Mount Pleasant. Perry left Farview four i teen years ago and he is surprised at I the many changes here as this is his 1 first visit. j Mr. Lindsay Stevens of Salt Lake another brother is also spending ihe week with parents and reltives. The large number of friends and relatives from Fairview that attended attend-ed the funeral of Kesiah Haven, certainly showed the love and esteem es-teem in which she was held. Mr. Will R. Young and wife of Logan Log-an are visiting Mrs. Edgar Lassen and other relatives in Fairview S-ven babies were christened in church last Sunday and all of them were boys. A very pleasant Easter party was given at the home of Miss Nettie Brady Sunday evening. Games were played and a four course supper ser ved. Those present were: Wm Garlic Nettie Neilson, Parley Young, Olena Olsen, Jessie, Steila Pherson, Amasa Terry, Birdella Pritehett, W. J. Bra dy, Ida Olsen, Eli Day, Lucile Madsen, Mad-sen, Marion Stewart, Nettie Brady, Lionel Peterson, and Loa Sanderson. Mrs. Lorenzo Pelerson is spending the week in Salt Lake Uity visiting her dau hter Mrs. Calvin Jones. Fairview was in the dark two nights 'ast week on account of a snow slide in the canyon stopping off the water power of our electric light plant. |