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Show Get This Ll decorate FREE Book 'fo Before You &23$- Decorate ' &?wio It shows 20 pretty rooms in modem homes and how to get the very latest designs for i your home. We will send you FREE color plans made by expert designers for any rooms you want to decorate. 77ie Beautiful Walt Tint h more fashionable than wall paper or paint and costs far less. It is loo rerincd and excjuiiite in color to compare com-pare with any kind of kalsomine. Goes further on hc walls, does not chip, peel or nib off, lasts far loncer. 16 Beautiful Tints. Comes all re-idy to mix with cold f .jCi3 wa,er an Pllt on Easiest to a9C directions on every pTag nj.jjfi.ijfl package. Full S-lb. pkg.. White. 1T I Get the FREE Book rIJUw SH of 20 Beautiful Rooms rtf IS VI 8 Write today "Kisaa 111 Alabastine Company jjjSjJ Kew yoi Qtj. Dak 3. 105 tfattr Street TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY x- Take 1.AX ATI VK BKOMO Quinine Tablets. )niKKistsrpfund money if it fails to cure. Jfl. W, GliU Vis's signature is uu each box. 260. ' ' A Tempting Treat Post Toasties with cream Crisp, fluffy bits of white Indian Corn; cooked, rolled into flakes and toasted to a golden brown. Ready to serve direct -""" 1 from the package. Delightful flavour! Thoroughly wholesome I "The Memory Lingers" Sold by Grocers Postum Cereal Company, Limited Buttle Creek, Mich. V J PTI.KS Ct'RED IN 6 TO 14 DATS TonrtlmgKiBt Tvill retund money If FA.O OINT-MKNT OINT-MKNT fails to ture any cafae of Itching, JJlUd, JJlcedlng or Protruding l'llea In 6 to 14 days. 50c. The woman who suffers in silence usually manages to make a lot of noise about it As we grow more sensible we refuse drupr oathartics and take instead Nature's herb oure, Garfield Tea. The man who argues with his wife is one kind of an idiot. "Fink Eye" Is Epidemic In the Spring;. Try Murine Eye Remedy for Reliable Relief The more a trust magnate wants the less the other fellow gets. It takes a man of originality to pose as a successful liar. YOUNG WIFE SAVED FROM HOSPITAL Tells How Sick She Was And What Saved Her From An Operation. Upper Sandusky.Ohio. "Three years ago 1 was married and went to house-...... house-...... . ....., ,,..,, keeping. I was not , feeling well and l-i!'v. , could hardly drag i'.'J 'liij myself along. I had 1 '. ?-;! such tired feelings, t jjA ' rny back ached, my " f " jf sides ached, I had Zl- I bladder trouble aw- fully bad, and I could S 'Nj'" TH not eat or sleep. I had iKh!;!p4-,: headaches, too, and ISSliiwIl became almost a ner-l.f ner-l.f ;M:-.;:.!;'n,:.';..'i.iJ vouswreck. My doctor doc-tor told me to go to a hospital. I did not like that idea very well, so, when I saw your advertisement in a paper, I wrote to you for advice, and have done as you told me. I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, and now I have my health. " If sick and ciling women would only know enough to take your medicine, they would get relief . " M rs. Benj. H. Stans-bery, Stans-bery, Route 6, Box 18, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. If you have mysterious pains, irregularity, irregu-larity, backache, extreme nervousness, inflammation, ulceration or displacement, displace-ment, don't wait too long, but try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound now. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, ha3 been the standard remedy for female ills, and such unquestionable testimony as the above proves the value of this famous remedy and should give every one confidence. HOWARD E. BURTON AS!AHVEEMR,sflTNt Spodmen prices: UUi, Silver, iAad, $1; tiold. Silver, ;ic; (Juki, 60c; Zlno or Copper, SI. Mulling envelopes and full price list seni on application. Control and umpire work solicited, l.cudvllle. Col. Reference. Carbonate National Bank. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 15-1912. Fads for Weak Women Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is due to some derangement or disease dis-ease of the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured is cured every day by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. It acts directly on the organs affected and is nt the some time a general restorative restora-tive tonic for the whole system. It cures female complaint right in the privacy of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, and so abhorrent to every modest woman. We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of fS those peculiar affections incident to women, but those t wanting full information as to their symptoms and : means of positive cure are referred to the People's Com- f ' mon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revised 0;Vyh 'v. and up-to-date Edition, sent free on receipt of 21 one- t' v I cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only; or, iu cloth ll w binding for 31 stamps. f !tF9 Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. &.-! i&sfejf I Pl Rheumatic Pains J I fcfyf quickly relieved I I f MV Sloan's Liniment is good for pain of h i W JL& R M any sort It penetrates, without rubbing, J I fJrTVTl' through the muscular tissue right to the J X ffc n- ' bone relieves the congestion and gives ji "efjffii v J permanent as well as temporary relief. J A r XjCJi-J Here's Proof. j "yf, lkWj7l A. W. Lay of Lafayette, Ala., writes: V '5 'iy " 'lac rrieulT-atism for five years. I tried 3j Ih T1Mb doctors and several different remedies but R P l;fju AsSis f$JM they did not help me. I obtained a bottle w W lfid of Sloan's Liniment which did me so much r J F3 Hi good that I would not do without it f i Vah. for anything." f, V Thomas L. Rice of Easton, Pa., J writes: 11 1 have used Sloan's Lini- &t&s?'Zc3 ment and find it first-class for rheu- I Xtt''' jr matic pains." fi 3 i Mr. G.G. JONESof Baldwins, L.I., k 1 ' writes: "I have found Sloan's Lin- iment par excellence. I have used it for broken sinews above the knee cap caused by a fall, and to my great satisfaction I wa3 able to resume my duties in less weeS e acc"t'" !' IIIMEIf I is an excellent remedy for sprains, bruises, sore throat, asthma. H No rubbing necessary you can apply with a brush. 63 S At all dealers. Price, 25c, BOG. & $1.00. fj m SloaiVs Book on Horses, Cattle. Sheep and Poultry sent free. Address nj - Dr. EARL S. SLOA?J, BOSTON, MASS. W. LB DOUGLAS" SHOES 2.25 2.5Q 3.00 3.50 s403 & 5.CQ For MEN, WOMEN and BOYS li THE ST A H A K I OF O I : A 1. 1 T Y K" X'i FOR OVER 30 YEARS - k"r' I THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES Kf V ! give W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L. v C7 Douglas name stamped on a shoe guar- s- VJ I antees superior quality and more value ' S;V fcs for the money than other makes. His f V,.V: J name and price stamped on the bottom t j protects the wearer against high prices "i w v ' k and inferior shoes. Insist upon having the genuine W.L. Douglas shoes. Take (X' V I no Substitute. If ymir (IrrUT '-amot Kunplv W. L.tioiiclaii l-V'. VS '-'S 17 jjh ik5 nt.-,, wnlc H'.I.IVHiirlM. J1rr .-k r . .11. Mi... K.r .murine. Sbomixnl i&tVXjK rS V WXWj |