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Show - "' "' ! il' A. Merz & Co. cSm r Mt. Pleasant, Ut. .Jjp You will look a good while before vou find a better medicine for cough and colds than Chamberlain's onebi' Rmedv. It notonlv gives relief it cures. Try it when you have a cough or cold, and vou are certain to be pleased with the prompt pure which it will effect. For sale by All dealers " """ BECKER'S BEER " j JI' V-jS Tke first strawberries of tfes season are the tnost luscious I and deli MU Tt tirct viclixZ cf tope contains ali the etrengtk and j iiiBci flavcr V s c?x?v:Vy select tke first picking of the test ' UKERB0!iES Bchci?.r. KcFiIt3 just or.e of ths tKiags tkat makes S f'Vv'-il'r'i Becker's Best. pS- ite F ri"cc 'lstOiiiT oirect from S T. Alterative 'What is a "tonic"? A medicine that increases the strergth or the tone of the vho!e system. What is an "alterative"? A medicine that alters or changes unhealthy un-healthy action to healthy action. Name the best "tonic and alterative"? Ayer's Sar-saparilla, Sar-saparilla, the only Sarsapa-rillaentirely Sarsapa-rillaentirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor about it. Bilious attacks, sick-headaches, indigestion, indiges-tion, constipation, dizzy spells these are some of the results of an inactive liver. Ask your doctor if he endorsee Ayer'i Pills in these cases. The dost it small, one pill at bedtime. Optical Illusion Are the Blocks turned Up or Mown? 'Down You Say? Look'Sharp at the black squares to (he right. Now they are up! No, Downf Nou) get a pair of our Spectal Ground Qlasscs which Make Weak Eyes Strong. Dr. E. G. Mills, Optometrist Mount Pleacant, Utah. PYRAMID PRINTS EVERYTHING. I Watching Time i t The man with a business engagement appreciates the value of a reliable time f piece. Such watches as I these, therefore, are a bus- f t iness necessity. I $ My 17 Jewel Ilamp- t dens will be a satisfac- tion to any one. I ! I C.T. Strang J jeweler 4 i Mi. Pleasant Utah IaniHsrus I.o'lue No. I0.F A A. l .Mt. I'kd.sant, t'tsh. . A j-rm llfl'i Hi MhSODI( hull Oil Bt.'C- ! V X "n'' rtm' l'"o 11 rt li SfliuniflTs in v -sK vn''b mm,th t7:3np. in. Visit- J. 1). Meyrlek, W. M. O. r. U Secretary. Liberty Camp. No. Woodmei of th World Kit. Pieafiknt. Utah, meeti every We4neiGyt 8 p.m.. Id the Woodmen Hall. All neifbbon Is good stHDdinf cordially loTltad to attend meetings whenever possible. Appllcanti (on membership 6houJd apply to the camp. O. N. Clemrnson, Council Commander. J. M. Boyden, C!rk. I SHOE REPAIRING The Public i notiflod that I bTe : opened a shoe repairing business in tlie old Keoleh place on Main j street and am ready to do all Irindi . of work in that line. , ' , AU WORK SATISFACTORY ,' Mirinus Otten. What's Nicer? Than Good, Sanitary, Clean Laundried clothes? Nothing! Everything new and up-to-the-minute. Give us a call. We are headq'iat ters forfamily washings. Mt. Pleasant Troy Laundry Peterson Bros., Phone 88-3 J. C Sfccks, M. D. THYSICIAN & SURGEON Office, corner of State & Main St. j Office phont No. 5 Reside!""10 phone No. 11 Mount Pleasant, jtah. H M. Williams ElhRlNARIAN I'UONE NO. 85. Wii'.beatthe following towns one day every week from 2 to 4 o'clock each week: Fairview, Monday; Spring City, Wednesday; Moroni, Saturday. Headquarters, Neils Larsen's Livery i Dr. J. R. Earle ' Eye, Eur, Nose and Throat Tuesdays and Friday 1 4 to p. m. Appointments by phone, No. 92 F I Money lo Loan On Unencumbered Improved Inter-Mountain Life Insurance Company. J. O. Carter, General Mgr. Atlas Block - Salt Lake City Win. Spry, Rodney T. Badger, President. Treasurer. Inter- Mountain Life Keeps Insurance Premiums at Home Miller's Barber j Shop. ; First-class shaving and hair cutting, Scissors ground, Razors honed, moles and warts removed. remov-ed. We guarantee to cure any case of dandruff. I California j i voux i The Idcal P!ace t0 Spend Ycur i STARD I VACATION Drawing- J Room EXCURSION RATES. : Compartment Tickets Qn s& April 2gt 30th M&y , , ? Tourist 2,3, 4, & 5th. Final limit June 27th. ;; c, :: j fcleepers. J FREE For Literature, information tickets, etc. sr ', I RECLINING any agent or write CHAIR CARS J- ll-Manderfield A, G. F. A., Salt Lake City ', ttttttttttttttttttttttttt 7?TT?L,.t. !1?1t |