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Show PROTECT OUTLET FROM COWS Considerable Damage Is Liable to Result Re-sult Unless Tile Is Suitable Protected From Stock. When the outlet of a tile drair comes out into the open where stoct can trample on or about it, considerable consider-able damage is apt to be done unless some provision is made to protect it. The accompanying illustration shows a plan for protecting the outlet that we have found to be successful, says a writer in the Homestead. About all there is to it is to drive a few stakes Protected Tile Outlet. at suitable distances from the outlet, and stretch barbed wire over them. If the outlet is such a. place that it may be interfered with by stock, it should be protected, as carelessness may be the means of permitting damage dam-age that may require a day or more to fix, Pure Water for Dairy. When we consider that a large portion por-tion of the cow's body is composed of water; that milk contains more water than any other one ingredient, and that it must require a great quantity of water to keep the temperature of the animals down during the extreme hot weather, we should appreciate the necessity of keeping the dairy cows well supplied with pure drinking water. |