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Show mmmmmmmmmmmwmmammrxuaty EDcr3l Succeed fhtn everything else fails. nervous prostration and female g '1 weaknesses they are the supreme S J remedy, as thousands have testified, p d FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND I STOMACH TROUBLE I it the best medicine ever sold S 1 over a druggist's counter. ti FINE LINE. ALL PRICES Con. Furniture Co. R. A. Burch DENTIST Mt. Pleasant, Utah J. E. T.nr-atxn ,lT Watchmaker and Jeweler Also Engraving. ALL WORK GUARANTEED' Office Opposite Post Office I fi fL 1 ur Tape i lIWlV 1 YOU' MlMWu I Order your Spring ! ; lipa suit through our TO'if IIS11 fp Custom Tailoring I ill' il y!$V I Department and se- i curePerfectfitPer- I $h ' $ fullest satisfaction. I -5 Call and see the f Ih new Spring and bummer Woolens hey're the most beautiful and exclu live in town, the complete line of j Our prices are lo west our clothes best j John P. Peterson & Son . Perfect Team LffL Work of Per- pWf&Si"?SSta f get Units S-SSB This is What iWW Wins the irtol M Type wrier.. Al ilWJU Game. L. C Smith & Bros. Typewriter l$ull-i;euriii;', Lon Wenrinp; is a rare and unsual combination of mechanical features featur-es of superior excellence, each ot which is designed, 'St To do its individual work better than "uld be dune in any other way. I To work so smoothly and accurately, unction with ;!1 the others, that the 1 "d result is just as perfect as the ny individual part. ikes -a good-working typewriter it e overwhelming verdict of 150,000 ' the L. C. Smith and Bros. Type-typewriter Type-typewriter does all kinds of work fhout attachments and gives no 'hscriptivti mMior today is. Typewriter Co. ' Champa St., Denver, Colo, ARE MICROBES IN YOUR SCALP? It Ha Been Proved That Microbes Cause Baldness. Professor Uniia of Hamburg, Ger many, nnd Dr. Sabourand, the leading French dermatologist, discovered that a microbe causes baldness. Their theory has time and again been amply verified through research experiments carried on under the observation of eminent scientists. This microbe lodges in the Sebum, which is the natural nat-ural hair oil. and when permitted to flourish it destroys the hair follicles and in time the pores entirely close, and the scalp gradually takes on a shiny appearance. When this happens there is no hope of the growth of hair being revived. We have a remedy which will, we honestly believe, remove dandruff, exterminate ex-terminate the microbe, promote good circulation in the scalp and around the hair roots, tighten and revitalize the hair roots, and overcome baldness, so long as there Is any life left in the hair roots. We back up this statement with our own personal guarantee that this remedy rem-edy called Kexall "90" Hair Tonic will be supplied free of all cost to the user if it fulls to do as we state. It will frequently help to restore gruy and faded hulr to its original color, providing loss of color has been caused by disease; yet it Is lu no sense a dye. Itexall "9:1" Hair Tonic accomplishes accom-plishes these results by aiding In making mak-ing every hair root, follicle, and pigment pig-ment gland strong and active, and by stimulating a natural flow of coloring pigment throughout the hair cells. We exact no obligations or promises we simply ask you to give Rexall "03" Hair Tonic n thorough trial and if not satisfied telf us and we will refund the money you paid us fur It. Two sizes, prices 50 cents and $1.00. Uemember, you can obtain It only at our store The Rexall Store. A. P, button Prug Co, GOOD NEWS Many Mt. Pleasant Readers Have Heard it and Profited Thereby "Good news travels fast," and the thousands of bad back suffers in Mt, Pleasant are glad to learn that prompt relief is within their reacn. Many a lame, weak and aching back is bad no more, thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills. Our citizens are telling tell-ing the good news of their experience experi-ence with the Old Quaker Remedy. Here is an example worth reading: C. A. Clark, Mt. Pleasant, Utah, says: "For years I was subject to ;n-tacks ;n-tacks of backache caused by disordered disord-ered kidneys. 1 was in such bad shape that I could not attend to my work and I had a frequent desire to pass the kidney secretions. I lost my ambition and often was harc'Iy able to drag myself about. In three days after I began the use of Doan's Kidney Kid-ney Pills, I was free from backache and my kidneys became normal. Doan's Kidney Pills deserve the entire en-tire credit for my cure." For sale by all Dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Unit-ed States. Remember the name Doan'c nd take no other. I Tv'ILK PRODUCERS L0LD MEETING The board of Din-cmrs of the Sanpete Valley Creamery Co. held a meeting Saturday Mar. 23rd and decided to call the milk producers attention to,the fact that they aie now running successfully and are making good all their promises to ;he producers and have for that reason decided to close thp distribution distribut-ion of stock. After the 15th day of April, the company will not accept any new share Holder, but. those who wish to get in before that date are invited to call at the company's office and pet anv information they want and aiso sign up if they wish. Sanpete Valley Creamery Co. P. Jensen Tvilling. Secy,& Gem. Mgr. puts .End to Bad Habit Things never look bright to one with "the blues." Ten to one the trouble is a sluggish liver, filling the system with bilious poison, that Dr. King's New Life Pills would expel, Try them, Let the joy of better feelings feel-ings end "the blues." Best forstom-ach, forstom-ach, liver and kidneys. 25c. All Druggists. The Best Bib Overall ) ' Two Horse ! Brand ! A New Pais FREE If Tliey Rip LEVI STRAUSS &. CO. MFRS., SAN FRANCISCO V J & THE PYR MID JOB - i PRINT PRINTS 0. S ANYTHING. ORDER EARLY. to4liii4 Crlekics Own Clubtei4 Erlckson & Chritnut3 LAWYERS CSaMboat Moi. r and 7. Krirj rab t'j -"- abo, cQd door ol lh I rick uu f : Xfe Mt. Pleatut. Utah. i . 7m. P. WINTER ! mmciAS AND lIinSEiaU, m rLiAtAWT, ..... OTinj l. W. CHERRY ATTOBiraTVlT-lUltfti Ofllea In Lamont Bulldlnf, j Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Tel. No. 40. j IJ. C. BARTON PROPRIETOR The Mt. Pleasant Barber Shop r All Work Guaranteed Once come, always stay j Hair Tonic Guaranteed to Cure S Dandruff. Cream for Chapped : hands and face. REMEMBER THE PLACE jj EDISON SAID: I "Electricty and Machinery will make Household J Drugery a thing of the past." S te Do you know that while you are reading this, perhaps your wife, o sister or mother is laborously, slowly and maybe painfully operat- o , ing her sewing or washing machine at home? Has it ever occured o to you how easily and cheaply vou could free her from all this drug o ery-- making sewing and washing a pleasure instead. You've got g q to help her make household drugery a thing of the past. You cgn i o take the first step by putting in a sewing or washing machine motor. A'! ?f The price is moperate and a motor doubles the output and saves S Doctor Bills, and soon pays for itself. Ask for prices. Easy terms. S ' Mt. Pleasant Mill & Power Co. f I j N. S NEILSON F. C. JENSEN O. F. WALL l ,j . Vlc-Preident CashUr Mount Pleasant I commercial and Savings Bank DIRECTORS I Ferdinand Erioksen, Rasmus Anderson. Andrew Madsen 1 Olof Rosenlof. Swen O. Nielson, A. C. Wall. I Both checks and savlng-a accounts are respectfully solicited. All I customers will receive courteoui treatment, and their business oun- Jl, & prompt attention. I Drafts drawn on alf the principal cities of the United States find ' ! Eur&pe. People sending money throug-h the mails should secure drafts, j a that being the cheapest and sales'; way of transmitting money. Banking I hours 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. 1 Fonr Per Cent Interest For Annum A!!ows4 m Savlnfa Dapoalta, Payable Seml.Annually,' i"J"nMunlolpl and Bhol Bonds Bought and SoleV j . I Ericksen Meat and Grocery Co. In Stock Aiwa ) Choicest Meats Freshest Groceries All fruits and early vegetables in season. .. Equipment thoroughly -u - to date. .. Patronage of the public solicited. j SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD THREE FAST TRAINS EAST THROUGH SLEEPERS CHICAGO KANSAS uT. LOUIS NEW Train SERVICE DENVER & RIO GRANDE rrgfjr tvwi jj ' i m u jm i mm in .1 mw IN CONNECTION WlTH SANTA FE ROUTE BURLINGTON ROUTE ROCK ISLAND ROUTE MISSOURI PACIFIC UNION PACIFIC Two Nig'hts to Chicago w Two Nights to St. Louis Three Nights New "Xork" choice CP nouraa For fvnilirr liifi-rmntlon sec onv I), .t R. G. A"eut or aJdroea I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D. Solt Lake Cl'y F. A, WALD LEIGH, G. P. A. - |